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A New Way to Read SpringyNews

This week we are excited to launch a new addition to the Springshare newsletter lineup: The Roundup. It’s just like it sounds – a monthly email digest that rounds up recent product updates and announcements, client stories, webinars, and timely Springy resources. It landed in subscribers’ inboxes yesterday. And from…

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Top 10 Springshare Blog Posts of 2020

The month has flown by and suddenly it’s the last workday of January 2021. 😅 At this point, our teams are waist-deep in strategic goal mapping and list checking, but it doesn’t hurt to take a moment to pause and reflect on the past year… as much as we may…

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New Year, New Springy Tips

While it’s hard to believe it’s already mid-January, we put away our party hats and noisemakers long ago (although our holiday decorations are still up 😉). Hopefully, there’s still a glimmer of that “brand new year” feeling left, and Springy HQ is here to help you start off 2021 on…

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Code Release: New LibAnswers, LibCal, LibStaffer & LibInsight features coming your way!

Happy New Year to all, and goodbye to 2020! We are pleased to open 2021 with some great improvements across several Springy apps. These releases are on their way to you next week and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, January 15….

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Springshare Learning Lab: Reopening Libraries Safely

Our December Springshare Learning Lab focused on how the Gwinnett Technical College reopened their library safely using LibCal Seats. Over the summer, as campuses were preparing to open fully or modeling a hybrid approach for the Fall semester, library administrators were tasked with opening the library to students, safely. This…

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Final Code Release of the Year: LibCal Goodies

Before we usher in a much-needed new year, we are happy to bring you some LibCal goodies for the holiday season! This release is on its way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, December 18. Seats/Spaces We’ve…

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Pickup Manager & LibCal Releases are On Their Way to You!

This release is on its way to you this week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, November 13. Pickup Manager Release This release brings key features needed for Pickup Manager, and we’re thrilled to announce that Pickup Manager is now available!…

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Code Release: New LibAnswers, LibCal, LibGuides, & LibInsight features coming your way!

We are rounding into fall here at Springy HQ and have some awesome new features for you to sip with your PSL. These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, October 9. Read…

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How They Did It: Gwinnett Technical College Welcomes Fall 2020 with LibCal Seats

2020 has been a difficult year, for sure. Most of us are likely ready for it to end so we can flip a page of sorts. However, for the world of Academia, Fall is kind of a new beginning. This fall every student in the country is starting a new…

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Pickup Manager: Coming Early October!

We’ve been hinting, alluding, and finally we officially announced yesterday that we’re releasing the Pickup Manager for scheduling and communicating holds pickup! This newest tool is coming early October, and is designed to streamline your holds pickup workflows and empower patrons to pick up their library items quickly and safely…

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