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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibStaffer, and LibInsight features coming your way!

June is here, and we’re so excited to bring you a bevy of new features! From our new interactive mapping tool in LibCal, to introducing LTI 1.3 support in LibApps, to chat stability improvements and a full ticket JSON export in LibAnswers, we truly have something for everyone! These releases…

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Think Outside the ‘Seat’

For many of you, LibCal Seats was the solution for helping you reopen your buildings safely. With built-in occupancy measurements and check-in/out functionality, it allowed you to reopen your buildings with capacity restrictions and functionality for track & trace. Now that life is slowly starting to return to normal after…

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LibCal Mapping Has Arrived!

You may remember us talking about LibCal’s new interactive mapping module back in April, and now we’re happy to announce the general availability of this exciting new LibCal add-on. And while we’d like to think we love all of our new features equally, sometimes there’s one that makes us sit…

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EDUCAUSE Webinar: Safely Return Students To Your Buildings

It might not come as a shock to you that your amazing efforts are being noticed by other departments on campus. We often hear from you with emails like, “Student Advising saw our LibCal Appointment Scheduler, and they want to use it for scheduling student one-on-ones.” Or, “Career Services saw…

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Libraries & The Pandemic Response: A 3-part Client Story Series

We took the opportunity to revisit three libraries that we had previously featured in Client Stories — three years ago. We discussed their handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the challenges it brought to their doors. While we were not at all surprised by their commitment to providing the best…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibApps, LibStaffer, LibInsight and LibWizard features coming your way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, May 21, 2021. Read about LibCal | LibApps | LibStaffer | LibInsight | LibWizard. LibCal Appointment Booking Forms Our new and improved Appointment Booking Forms…

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LibCal Seats: Reopening Entire Campuses, Safely

For many of you, you’ve been using LibCal Seats in your libraries for months now. It helped you reopen your buildings, with occupancy restrictions to control how many people were inside at any given time, and it helped you with track & trace protocols with detailed check-in/out functionality. But what…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibApps, LibStaffer and LibInsight features coming your way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, April 9. Read about LibCal | LibAnswers | LibApps | LibStaffer | LibInsight. LibCal Interactive Seat/Space Mapping Our interactive Seat & Space booking module is…

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Coming Soon: LibCal Interactive Mapping!

A couple of weeks ago, SpringyNews readers were treated to a sneak peek of our new, optional LibCal mapping module slated for April launch. We’re sharing more info about it today, including an awesome video below showing the maps in action. Functional, Interactive Maps That Put Your Users First Our…

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Code Release: New LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, LibWizard, LibStaffer, and LibInsight features coming your way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, February 19. Read about LibGuides | LibAnswers | LibCal | LibWizard | LibStaffer | LibInsight LibGuides In addition to improvements on the E-Reserves Request form,…

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