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Code Release: LibCal, LibAnswers, LibInsight, LibStaffer, LibConnect, & LibWizard Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, January 14, 2022. LibCal We’ve extended support for our new Hybrid event functionality to various pages – you can now view hybrid event data in…

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Holiday Support Hours + Springy Learning!

With winter holidays and vacations, December is a quiet time for many libraries and offices. Projects are stalled, patrons are home, you’re left sitting at the Reference Desk wondering how to stay productive. We have an idea for you! How about some online learning to sharpen your skills with Springshare…

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Your Springshare End of Year Checklist

As 2021 draws to a close, we know that many of you are preparing for the end of the year and the end of the fall semester. This means you’ll likely be thinking about how to best communicate building closures to your patrons, work out holiday coverage plans, and update…

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Launch LibChat, Literally, On Any Website

Offering a chat reference service is a great way to give real-time, personalized, reference services to library users. It helps patrons who are unable (or too uneasy) to enter a building or visit a desk to ask for help. Virtual chat reference is an accessible extension of your library’s reference…

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Route LibAnswers & LibChat Through Authentication Layer!

Do any of the scenarios sound familiar? Do you only want registered card holders or students/faculty to launch a LibChat? Are you a hospital, government, or law library needing to restrict access to your LibAnswers FAQs to only your authorized list of patrons? Do you want to restrict your LibAnswers…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibInsight, LibStaffer, LibConnect, & LibWizard Features Coming Your Way!

We’re thrilled to bring you all new updates for Fall! These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, November 19, 2021. LibCal We’ve added a new “Integration Status” report, so Admins can see…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, & LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, October 8, 2021. LibCal Mapping Tool Updates – we’ve added a natural delineation between “maps within the current location” and “maps at other locations” when…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibStaffer, & LibInsight Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, August 13, 2021. We have so much to share with you about this release it’s almost too much to put into a single blog post…so…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibStaffer, and LibInsight features coming your way!

June is here, and we’re so excited to bring you a bevy of new features! From our new interactive mapping tool in LibCal, to introducing LTI 1.3 support in LibApps, to chat stability improvements and a full ticket JSON export in LibAnswers, we truly have something for everyone! These releases…

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Libraries & The Pandemic Response: A 3-part Client Story Series

We took the opportunity to revisit three libraries that we had previously featured in Client Stories — three years ago. We discussed their handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the challenges it brought to their doors. While we were not at all surprised by their commitment to providing the best…

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