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Five Reasons to Join the Springshare Lounge

Two years ago, we set out to build a new and improved Springshare Lounge. The Lounge Team wanted to create a community space that would empower Springshare users like you to collaborate, share innovative ideas, and help each other online. With over 3,000 users, 1,000 discussions, and 2,500 comments to…

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Gearing Up for the Fall Semester with SpringyU

Summer is winding down here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we know that means a lot of you are busy prepping for the upcoming semester! As such, we thought we’d throw together a list of SpringyU Blocks that will help guide you through some of the most common topics we’re…

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SpringyCamp 2022: Recordings Now Live!

This year’s SpringyCamp was a hit! From our lineup of amazing presenters to attendees’ questions and discussions in the Lounge, we had a blast hearing from so many of you. Conferences are all about sharing ideas, finding inspiration, and connecting with professionals in the field. SpringyCamp achieved all of those…

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Ways to Stay Informed About Springshare

If you’re the kind of person who loves to be in the know, this post is for you! We’re rounding up the best ways to keep up-to-date with all things Springy so you’ll never miss a new feature, training session, or interesting idea for using Springy tools in new and…

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15 Years of Springshare!

April 30th marked the 15th anniversary of the first LibGuides install! That’s right, if LibGuides were a person, it would be eligible for a learner’s permit in many states. While we won’t be pursuing that particular right of passage, we thought it would be fun to take a stroll through…

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Introducing: Readle!

Springshare is pleased to announce the launch of our very first readers’ advisory tool, Readle! Readle gamifies the RA process and invites you to play favorites… and recommend them to your patrons. Plus, you can tackle that all-too-familiar challenge “brain on” with our new game. You know what we’re talking…

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Recent Webinars You Might’ve Missed!

Spring has finally arrived, and we’ve been busy here at Springy HQ! Whether you’re in the midst of midterms for the Spring semester or diligently planning summer projects, we suspect your plates have been just as full. We’ve gathered some recent webinars that might have slipped through the cracks to…

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Simple Design Tips for Any Springshare System

Whether you’re creating a LibGuide or setting up your organization’s LibAnswers FAQ groups, keeping basic organization and design principles in mind can help you get your intended message across clearly and concisely! We have gathered some simple, yet impactful tips to use throughout your Springshare products. Design With Your Audience…

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Use Springshare Tools to Meet Your 2022 Goals

January is a great time to look ahead and think about your organizational and professional goals for the new year. Whether you’re planning for a big change, or simply want to improve your workflow and sharpen your skills in 2022, Springy HQ is here to support you! As such, we’ve put together a list of ideas that will help you elevate your skills, and…

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Springshare Support Closed for the Holidays

This year is almost in the rearview mirror (and TBH, we’re okay with that!) but before we say goodbye to 2021, we thought we’d take a look back at all the hard work the Springshare team has done over the past twelve months. Springshare Support answered more than 24,300 questions…

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