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New LibCal Museum & Passes eTicketing Tool

Halloween is finally here and rather than tricks, we're bringing you some exciting new treats...  eTickets & Museum Passes! Join us for a webinar next month to explore LibCal’s new eTicketing tool and learn how to connect it to your local Museums, Zoos, Archives, Author Readings, or anything that requires entry passes or tickets. This flexible tool allows for both physical Tickets picked up at the library and eTickets delivered directly to your patron's inbox.

The new LibCal Museum & Passes eTickets functionality combined with the Equipment Booking module creates a robust Lending Hub.

  • Create a visual catalog of items your library lends
  • Control lending of physical museum/zoo passes
  • Issue and manage downloadable ePasses for museums, zoos, and other venues

LibCal makes it easy and affordable to create and run a Library of Things service at your library!

Join us for a webinar to see it in action!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
1:00pm - 1:30pm (Eastern Time - US & Canada)

Recordings Available

Can't attend live? Register and we'll send an email with access to the recording as soon as it's available!

2 thoughts on “New LibCal Museum & Passes eTicketing Tool”

    1. Hi Mae,

      Good question but no, this webinar is about a new feature for our LibCal tool. I’d check our training site to see if there is an upcoming LibGuides session that might be helpful for creating a virtual museum LibGuide. We have a lot of recorded training sessions available too!

      Springy Lilly

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