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LibCal + iPads = Happy Students @ Duke University Libraries

When we heard that Duke University Library was doing something cool with their surplus iPads, we had to find out more. In a nutshell, they upcycled several gen1 iPads to create touchscreen room booking interfaces, using LibCal, outside their reservable Project rooms. Bottom-line, students love the convenience of booking a Project…

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Watch ALA 2015 Springy Presentations By Guest Flash Presenters!

Whether you attended ALA in San Francisco, or not, you can still watch (and rewatch!) guest presenter’s Jessie Riggins (TBLC), Cathay Keough (Delaware Libraries), Aaron Dobbs (Shippensburg University), and Louise Hilton with Andrew Tadman (EBPRL) presenting on their use of Springy Tools! Using LibAnswers for Statewide Ask-A-Librarian Services Jessie Riggins – Tampa Bay Library Consortium…

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Delaware Libraries Using LibAnswers for Statewide Reference

With more than 30 public, academic, and special libraries participating statewide, Ask a Librarian Delaware has been servicing Delawareans since 2003. In 2014 alone, they answered 3,000 chat questions and an additional 3,000 email questions roughly equating to 500 questions answered per month. On March 1st, 2015 – the Ask…

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Springshare Support Model: We’re Presenting @ Computers in Libraries!

Putting UX Into Customer Service: The Springshare Model When: Tuesday, April 28th from 1:30pm – 2:15pm Where: B203 Abstract: Talia Richards, a Springy Librarian, will be presenting on how you can use Springshare’s model for customer service in your library. Drawing inspiration from real-world examples, Richards shares practical tips, strategies,…

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Watch ACRL 2015 Guest Presenters, Emilie & Monica, Present on Springy Tools!

Whether you attended ACRL in Portland, or not, you can still watch (and rewatch!) guest presenter’s Emilie Vrbancic and Monica Ruane Rogers speak about their use of Springy Tools. Teaching from LibGuides: Quick Tips for Interactive Learning Emilie Vrbancic – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs About (11min 13sec): Do…

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New Base Languages – Brought to you by Springshare

Now that we have Language Options in LibGuides v2 and LibAnswers v2, we felt it was time to kick it up a notch and give you what you’ve been clamoring for all these years. After agonizing research that took the better part of 7 years and painstaking creation, not to…

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Outstanding LibGuides v2 Customization – Interview with University of North Florida

If you haven’t had a chance to preview the UNF’s LibGuides customizations, run (don’t walk) your typing fingers over to We chatted with Jeremy Hall, UNF’s Virtual Services Librarian, about their LibGuides customizations, CMS functionality, Springy Tools integration, and the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Okay, we’re kidding about that last…

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New Trier High School – Then & Now

Five years into using LibGuides with 968 Published Guides and a v2 Migration – New Trier High School has a lot to talk about! So, we thought an interview was in order! Springshare first interviewed New Trier in our December 2011 newsletter and in just a few short years, a…

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LibGuides 2.1.5 – Updated Release Date

As promised, we’re posting to keep you up to date with the latest release. LibGuides 2.1.5 is now slated for release on Monday, March 23, 2015 at around 4pm PDT. Changing the release date allows us to squash the last couple of bugs we found in testing…something I’m sure everyone can…

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Catch a Springshare Sighting!

  Rarer than glimpse of Bigfoot. Scarcer than a Sasquatch sighting. Less common than a… okay, we might be exaggerating just a tad. Springshare’s heading to Portland, home to the mythical hairy beast, for the ACRL Annual Conference (March 25th – 27th) and we’re performing flash presentations on your favorite Springy Tools:…

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