Whether you attended ACRL in Portland, or not, you can still watch (and rewatch!) guest presenter’s Emilie Vrbancic and Monica Ruane Rogers speak about their use of Springy Tools.
Teaching from LibGuides: Quick Tips for Interactive Learning
Emilie Vrbancic – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
About (11min 13sec):
Do you create course specific LibGuides for library instruction? Are you looking for ways to incorporate active and collaborative learning into instruction sessions? Let LibGuides help you! This presentation will give you ideas and tips on using LibGuides to incorporate online teaching tools like Google forms and Padlet into instruction sessions in order to engage students in active learning and to assess student learning as it’s happening.

Using LibGuides & LibSurveys for Conference Planning
Monica Ruane Rogers – California University
About (14min 8sec):
As a member of the planning committee for the State System of Higher Education Library Cooperative Organization Annual Meeting in Harrisburg, PA, I have been charged with the task of creating the registration page for our conference, as well as several pages of evaluations (one of which will be used almost solely on mobile devices). Instead of using a stand-alone forms product for which my institution would have to pay an additional fee, I chose to make both our registration page as well as the evaluations with LibSurveys, to which we already have a subscription. One of the other universities in our system was able to embed my widget into the conference website, hosted on their institution’s LibGuides, thereby allowing for a seamless registration experience for conference attendees. This presentation showcases an inter-library collaboration using an outside-the-research-box use for a LibApps product, and will stimulate you to utilize these products for creative and innovative purposes.