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Announcing Mobile Site Builder and LibAnalytics

After we gave a sneak peek to our clients via last week’s newsletter, today I am pleased to announce that the Mobile Site Builder and LibAnalytics systems are now available for anybody to check out. These two new tools expand our Springshare web platform in two important directions – mobile web and statistical analysis….

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Introducing the LibAnswers FAQ!

We’re happy to announce a new way for you to get help with your LibAnswers questions – the LibAnswers FAQ! On this new site, you’ll be able to look for commonly asked questions and submit new questions that will be answered promptly by our Community & Training team. Not sure…

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Springy Training Program

Have you met our Community & Training team? Cause we’re excited to meet with you! This month, thanks in large part to requests from the Springshare Community, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new training program! Whether you’re just starting out with a brand-new system, or you’re a…

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Springy News – October 2010

The theme for our October newsletter is “mobile”! As a premier provider of useful (and cool) web apps for libraries we want to make sure we got your mobile needs covered as well. We released the mobile version of LibGuides, and the reviews have been uniformly great. We did not…

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Facebook API Problems

We have had several reports that the LibGuides applications for Facebook have had intermittent problems over the last week or so.  Since the applications have not been changed in some time, it appears that the problem may be with the Facebook API.  This is further supported by the Facebook Developers…

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Updates Regarding the Support Form

Several LibGuides users have had questions about our support form recently, specifically asking who receives the emails when a user clicks the “report a tech support issue” link at the bottom of a LibGuides page.  Since this question was becoming fairly common, we figured it would be a good idea…

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LibGuides server connectivity issues – update

Hello folks, just an update – we are restarting the servers again so there will be a 10 minute downtime, in order to restore the access.

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LibGuides Connectivity Problems – Fixed

In a typical Murhpy’s Law fashion, as soon as we posted the previous blog update about the connectivity issues, we figured out the problem and fixed it, so I believe this issue is now behind us and the new servers will start acting like they’re supposed to – healthy, fast, and…

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Intermittent connectivity problems to LibGuides servers

This past Sunday we performed a major upgrade to our hardware (to prepare for the increased usage for the upcoming school year), but it appears there are some problems with the new setup. We are working diligently to figure out what’s going on, and in the meantime we apologize for any brief…

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Happy Anniversary!

It was two years ago today that Temple University became the first member library of the LibGuides community.  In those early days we were thrilled to add just one or two new libraries each month as word began to spread about the cool things you could do with LibGuides.  Today, LibGuides…

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