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ACRL 2017 Guest Presentations Available… on Facebook!

In case you missed our awesome line-up of guest speakers at the ACRL Conference in Baltimore, we have the recordings and presenter materials available on our Buzz site. All videos are hosted on our Facebook Page. While you’re there, LIKE our Facebook page to have our posts display in your Facebook Feed….

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LibGuides v1 Retirement – free update to v2

On January 31, 2018, LibGuides v1 servers will be retired. All v1 sites will be updated to / live with LibGuides v2 by this date. The v1 infrastructure is 10 years old, and our hosting provider is no longer applying security or operating system updates to such an old generation of…

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“We’re All In, Because It’s Easy”

..says Andrew Adler, director of the Georgetown College Library, when asked why the Library is using the entire platform of Springshare tools. Andrew, like most librarians, wears a lot of hats. From teaching library instruction, manning the reference desk, creating training tutorials for student workers, and being available nine hours a week for…

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New Springshare Data Center: Europe – April 2017

Springshare is pleased to announce that we are bringing data centers online around the world in order to better serve all of our clients, everywhere! As of April 10, 2017, our European clients will be hosted on servers in Europe. In Q2, Q3, and Q4 we’ll bring servers online in…

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LibGuides v2 Server Move And Many New Features

2016 was an action-packed year for our apps, with hundreds of new features across all products and an ever-growing platform. So, it’s fitting that we end this big year with another big update which will set the stage for even more growth and exciting new features in 2017 and beyond….

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LibCal Equipment Booking is Here!

We have super exciting news to share – the Equipment Booking module of LibCal is ready to be unveiled to the world and we’re confident it will revolutionize how libraries manage equipment reservations. From advertising equipment availability, to managing the reservation process, to managing inventory and check in / check out…

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Awesome LibGuides A-Z and Search updates still coming – just a week later

Couple of weeks ago we announced super exciting LibGuides updates with a slew of great new functionality, from social sharing and thumbnails, to brand-new A-Z database management functionality and much-improved LibGuides search. The first part of the functionality refresh went out last week (social sharing and guide thumbnails) and just as…

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NCSU’s Makerspace Program Wins SLA’s Springshare Innovation Award

The winner of the 2016 Springshare Innovation Award is North Carolina State University Libraries’ Makerspace Program at the D.H. Hill Library! The Academic Division of the Special Library Association (SLA) offers a Springshare Innovation in Libraries Award. Springshare donates this award which “recognizes a new program or service that demonstrates an innovative approach to…

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It’s Hot In Orlando – Time To Get Flashy

…with our presentations, of course! </wink> Springshare’s heading to the ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, from June 24 – 27 and we’ve got an action-packed schedule of flash presentations, free giveaways, coloring time, and more. Plus, you won’t want to miss seeing how your colleagues use Springshare tools. While it…

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Springshare & ACRL Collaborate to Provide Springy Tools to Member Units

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is the largest division within ALA representing almost 20% of the total ALA membership with more than 11,000 members, 17 sections, 21 discussion groups, 17 special interest groups, 8 active task forces, 44 chapters, and 51 committees. To say this division is active would…

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