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Can’t Get Enough of LibMaps? We’ve Added More Sneak Peeks!

We’ve heard you loud and clear, everyone’s buzzing about LibMaps! Due to overwhelming interest, we’re adding two more sneak peek sessions in March-including one later this week! That means two extra chances to explore Springshare’s newest tool and see how it can transform the way patrons navigate your library. What’s All the Hype About? LibMaps brings your floor plan to life with interactive mapping and collection wayfinding features. Whether patrons are searching for a specific book, a quiet study space, or a key library service area, this innovative tool makes it easy to bridge the digital-to-physical library experience. With seamless…

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Code Release: LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibApps, LibConnect, LibInsight, LibStaffer, & LibWizard Features Coming Your Way!

Here at SpringyHQ, we can’t believe that December has already arrived! To celebrate the end of another year with our awesome Springy community, we’re bringing you one last release. These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, December 16, 2022. LibCal We’re excited to introduce LibCal’s Museum & Passes eTickets functionality, bringing you…

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SpringySession: Moving Beyond Numbers

Tips for Telling A Story with Data Meet our Customer Experience team members Greg Sigountos and Zinthia Briceño and learn how they’re using data to better understand our users and meet their needs. They’ll discuss tips for collecting data that is meaningful, actionable, and is crucial in helping Springshare deliver our best-in-class support to our customers. If you’re thinking, this is just another ‘stats’ webinar, think again! Greg and Zin will…

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Join the Springshare Team!

Have you heard? The Springy Team is expanding, we’re adding an additional person to our Marketing Team! If you have a background in libraries / marketing / graphic design / working with Springshare tools, this might just be the role for you. From writing blog posts to leading webinars, our small but mighty team does a little bit of everything so you’ll have the opportunity to use the skills you…

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LibAnswers Chatbot is Almost Here!

Our exciting new Chatbot functionality is coming January 2023, and will be included as a standard part of the LibAnswers Platform! Chatbot serves as the first point of contact for chat patrons, guiding them through options, and passing them on to a particular resource or staff member as needed. Depending on the Flows you set up, Chatbot can route patron questions to specific chat departments, prompt them to create a…

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LibConnect Gets 30+ Email Templates!

It’s not easy to create a beautifully designed and mobile-friendly email that engages and excites users. Maybe graphic design isn’t your bag, or you just don’t have the time, what with juggling 52 other responsibilities. But we all know that creating a powerful and captivating email improves engagement. Users are more likely to open an email if it’s not just paragraphs of plain-text. They’re more likely to click through and…

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Springshare Holiday Support Schedule

Can you believe that we are only seven weeks away from 2023?! It seems like this year, the weeks were long, but the days were short. If you read our October blog post celebrating our Support Team during National Customer Service Week, you’ll know that Springy Support has been busy, busy, busy. From October 2020 to October 2021: The Support Team has answered 21,000+ tickets They’ve kept 1,200+ published FAQs…

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Code Release: LibCal, LibAnswers, LibConnect, LibInsight, LibStaffer, & LibWizard Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, November 11, 2022. LibCal Hybrid Events now have the option to track “Actual Attendance” for in-person and online registrants individually. The Event Explorer & Statistics reports (as well as their CSV exports) have been updated accordingly for both values. For more details on these and…

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New LibCal Museum & Passes eTicketing Tool

Halloween is finally here and rather than tricks, we’re bringing you some exciting new treats…  eTickets & Museum Passes! Join us for a webinar next month to explore LibCal’s new eTicketing tool and learn how to connect it to your local Museums, Zoos, Archives, Author Readings, or anything that requires entry passes or tickets. This flexible tool allows for both physical Tickets picked up at the library and eTickets delivered…

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Results & Winners of Springshare Survey

Last month we published a blog post asking folks to take a few minutes to fill out a communication survey – telling us how you want to hear from us, what you like about our current communication, and what you don’t like! Plus, if you filled out the survey, you could enter to win a drawing for one of two gift cards! To that end, we’d like to announce the…

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Introducing: Spanish Training Sessions!

We are thrilled to announce that starting this week, we will be offering live and recorded training sessions in Spanish. The Springy Team and our dedicated users may feel like a small community, but we’ve grown considerably since the very first LibGuides install back in 2007. In fact, Springshare Tools are currently being used in 95 countries across the globe! As such, we’ve been working hard to expand our training and support…

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