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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibWizard, LibStaffer, LibCRM & LibInsight features coming your way!

Spring 2020 certainly has been an interesting beast thus far, and we at Springy HQ hope that you and yours are safe and healthy! We are an all-remote workplace, and as such have continued to chug along in our jobs (albeit with new office mates in a lot of cases!),…

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Tips & Tricks for the Remote-First World

As more and more schools are closing, events are being canceled, buildings are shutting their doors, and people are remote-working where possible in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve… your organization is facing a critical and time-sensitive situation. How do you provide virtual services…

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Grand Ole Lineup of Presentations @ PLA Nashville

While our stage won’t be as majestic as The Grand Ole Opry, we do have a sizzling line-up of presentations that are guaranteed to entertain and inform you and you won’t need a special membership to watch. From Wednesday, Feb 26 – Friday, Feb 28, we have a star-powered lineup…

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Code Release: New LibAnswers, LibCal, LibWizard, LibStaffer, LibInsight, LibGuides, and LibCRM features coming your way!

What better day to share the details of our upcoming release than Valentines Day? Sending some love out to our favorite people in the form of features & fixes across our apps! These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibWizard, LibInsight, and LibCRM features coming your way!

Happy New Year, Springyverse! We’re super excited to get new features out to you in 2020, including (later this year) the much-anticipated LibAnswers 24/7 Cooperative (go live date is February 28th for early adopters and May 29th for the whole cooperative)! Our January release gets us one step closer to…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibGuides, LibWizard, LibStaffer, LibAnswers, LibInsight, and LibCRM features coming your way!

Ahhh, November…how did you get here so quickly? Many of us here in Springy-land recently saw our first snowfall of the season and we’re all thinking about what we’re grateful for: you! What better way to show how much we appreciate you than to give you a whole new round…

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Watch & Learn: Three Librarians Use LibWizard For Training & Assessment Needs

The One to Watch. There’s considerable buzz surrounding Springshare’s LibWizard because, like a good tool, it does the job. The full LibWizard package features custom forms, surveys, quizzes, and tutorials — all with an unlimited scope so you don’t have to limit your imagination or shorten your to-do list. In…

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King University Uses LibWizard To Create A Game Focused On Information Literacy

Looking For A Game-Changer? In addition to their responsibilities in the library, many librarians also spend a substantial amount of time in the classroom. For those who tackle the incoming Freshman each year, teaching Information Literacy can be a sincere challenge. The difficulty is two-fold. How do you stay motivated…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibGuides, LibAuth, LibInsight, LibWizard, LibAnswers, LibStaffer and LibCRM features coming your way!

It’s the time of year for both tricks and treats, but we’re only serving up treats for our Springy friends in the form of new features and enhancements. This round of releases includes blog searching in LibGuides, connecting your Hours module with your Calendars in LibCal and Schedules in LibStaffer,…

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Limited Series: Hear Librarians Discuss How They Use LibWizard

One of the best ways to learn how to use a tool, or to see if a tool is right for you, is to see how others are using it. To that end, we’ve asked some amazing librarians to showcase how they’re using LibWizard in their institutions. This October limited webinar series…

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