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LibGuides & Librarian Savvy Help Solve a Mystery

Students at Boston College, with a little help from a librarian and her LibGuide, helped solve a mystery that began a century ago in a Chinese orphanage. The students, undergraduates at BC studying history and art, were trying to determine what had happened to 86 intricately carved wooden models of…

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Getting Ready for the Transition to LibGuides 2

LibGuides 2 is coming, and everyone’s eager to make the make it happen. The creation of beta sites — a key step in the process — will be getting started soon.  (Admin accounts: if you haven’t requested one yet look for the “Request LibGuides 2 beta site” button when you…

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Awesome LibGuides Customization – With a Twist!

There are three things you should know about Oregon State University. First, their mascot is Benny the Beaver. Second, OSU has more majors and minors than any other University in the state of Oregon – impressive! Third, they are the newest members of the LibGuides Community, with one of the…

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LibAnalytics & the Institutional Review Board

There are few information gathering processes in academia as important as those of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Federally-mandated in the U.S. (other nations have their own systems), IRBs are designed to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects who take part in research. But the IRB process, while…

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Springy Products, Public Libraries, and Younger Adults

No one has given them a cutesy label yet—thank goodness for that—but 16-29 year olds have been identified by Pew Research as a key and, in many ways, surprising demographic for public libraries. The under-30 crowd has particular needs and particular ways they want their needs met. Pew’s recent report…

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LibGuides & Faculty Collaboration = Scholarship to ALA

Graduate Assistant Laura Browning was on a mission! She wanted to cultivate a strong collaborative relationship between faculty in the English department and the library’s instruction program at Florida State University. How did she accomplish this? Start off with a strong line of communication with English faculty and their T.A.s….

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Springshare’s Getting Flashy!

The ALA Annual Conference! A time of year to meet up with old friends, learn new things, eat delicious food, and visit your fave library vendor, of course! Well this year, we’ve got several surprises in store for you. <sly grin> We’re unveiling our biggest ever update to LibGuides –…

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Announcing the newest Springshare product – LibStapler is here!

The next major innovation from your friends at Springshare is here! We’re moving into the physical realm and introducing LibStapler – the stapler that not only staples, but provides all the great features, statistics, and support you expect from a Springshare product. Here’s a quick taste of what LibStapler has…

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Teen Tech Week: Spotlight on LibGuides for Teens

Yesterday marked the start of Teen Tech Week, sponsored by the Young Adult Libraries Services division (YALSA) of the American Library Association. This year’s theme encourages libraries “to throw open their physical and virtual doors to teens and showcase the outstanding technology they offer.” To celebrate Teen Tech Week, we’re…

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We Heart the Springy Community!

We noticed a great exchange happening right now in the Springshare Lounge – it’s the type of conversation that reminds us of the power found in the collective knowledge of the Springy Community. The discussion kicked off as a request for information on adding LibChat widgets to library databases. The…

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