We took a break in December, but we're back with the newest edition of Tales From the Co-Op! If you missed the most recent post in this series, be sure to catch up with the November Exchanges.
Our blog might have taken a break, but the best thing about LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative is that your patrons always get their answers, no matter what your staff vacation schedule looks like!

Your library website is always open, and now, with the help of our Co-Op of MLS-degreed librarians, your resources can be more accessible than ever. Whether it’s research assistance, quick Q&As, or tracking down information on that obscure topic keeping a patron up in the middle of the night, the Chat Co-Op has you covered. By joining, you gain access to a global network of expert information professionals ready to support your reference needs. You set the hours of coverage, fully customizing the service to fit your library’s schedule. Free up your team’s time and delight your patrons with exceptional service, any time of day or night.
Some of the features librarians love are:
- Rigorous quality control from Springshare
- Support for Spanish-speaking patrons
- Ability to tag a conversation for post-chat follow-up
- Useful analytics to help improve the program over time
We love showcasing the incredible interactions our chat librarians have every day. One patron recently shared, "Terrific, give them a raise. Seriously, I feel more confident about my research papers." Feedback like this reminds us why we do what we do. To protect privacy, we remove all personally identifiable information from these exchanges and use creative pseudonyms for both patrons and librarians. Let’s make 2025 the year of outstanding library connections—anytime, anywhere!
Spotlight on Librarian Excellence
Sometimes our librarians get to have a bit of fun in their responses. This exchange shows that sharing knowledge and having fun aren't mutually exclusive. The patron rated this exchange 4/4. Be warned, this exchange may create cravings for pancakes.
September 13, 2024 | 11:59 pm
Paxton Patron: Hi there. I am trying to do a research paper on an endangered species for my class. I have selected the pancake tortoise but I feel so lost in what exactly I should be typing to look for information. I want to use at least 5 different sources if possible that will guide me. I tried doing advanced search, yet I feel like there has to be more. Please help and thank you so much again.
Lebron Librarian: Hello, I'm happy to help you with that.
Paxton Patron: Thank you so much I would really appreciate it.
Lebron Librarian: Go to your library's OneSearch.
Paxton Patron: Ok I just pulled it up.
Lebron Librarian: When you've got the search box there enter this search with the quotes: endangered species AND "pancake tortoise"
Lebron Librarian: I can explain the weird punctuation if you want the "gory details" lol
Paxton Patron: Thank you so much. It worked! And yes please. It would help me understand a bit more on how to properly search. I was stressing thinking there was no information on my topic. Like no way!
Lebron Librarian: Ok, so, the idea is to keep your search simple. Pick two of the main ideas behind your research topic or question.
Lebron Librarian: In your case, endangered species and that one species of tortoise, the flapjack.
Lebron Librarian: So you join your two ideas with the logic connector "AND" which tells the database search engine to find stuff that contains all the words in the search. "Find This AND That"
Lebron Librarian: "pancake tortoise" has the quotes so the search knows to find those two words together, as a phrase.
Lebron Librarian: This helps reduce false hits on stuff not relevant to your research, like 'pancake' (mmm) and 'tortoise'. Only the ‘pancake tortoise’ is relevant. See how easy?
Paxton Patron: I understand then to just keep it simple and precise. I also think the " " help a ton. You really helped an overthinker. I was about to start using google but this information makes me feel more confident! Thank you so much and now I am really craving some pancakes!
Lebron Librarian: Me too! Take care Paxton and good luck with your research paper!
Paxton Patron: Likewise Lebron! Thank you.
FAQ-tastic Interactions
Sometimes your patrons need guidance to information you've already curated. You know what your most frequently asked questions are, so using LibAnswers FAQs is a seamless way for chat librarians to provide info straight from the source!
August 21, 2024 | 9:33 pm
Pamela Patron: How do you borrow a textbook and how long can you borrow a textbook under the textbook reserve program?
Leilani Librarian: Hi. This is Leilani, a librarian out of California. I'm currently helping your librarians. Please give me a moment while I read your question.
Leilani Librarian: Let me take a look at your library's website to see if I can find this information.
Leilani Librarian: This FAQ should help answer that: *Link to Institution’s "Can I borrow my textbook from the Library" LibAnswers FAQ*
Pamela Patron: Ok thank you!
Leilani Librarian: You're welcome.
*Link to institution's FAQ removed for privacy
Curious Queries
Whether information is needed for personal, professional, or academic research, you can be sure that a librarian is on hand to provide the answers your patrons are searching for! See how Lilith Librarian helped Penelope Patron get started on her tea sommelier journey.
September 2, 2024 | 11:20 am
Penelope Patron: I am wanting to start growing my own tea leaves. Do you have any resource recommendations for a beginner tea sommelier?
Lilith Librarian: Hello! I am an outside reference librarian assisting your library today to provide reference chat services. I see you are looking for information on growing tea leaves.
Lilith Librarian: Are you looking for websites on this topic?
Penelope Patron: A website would be okay but I am also looking for reference material in the form of articles or written works.
Lilith Librarian: Okay, so what is your Pennsylvania Library so I can connect you with resource options?
Penelope Patron: I am out of state, I was hoping to connect with resources out of state as part of my school work.
Lilith Librarian: Okay, so you will not be able to use the resources from Pennsylvania Libraries directly. You would have to go to your home library in your state to request sources through interlibrary loan.
Lilith Librarian: But here are a few websites to get you started:
Growing Tea: 7 Tips for Growing Tea Plants at Home - 2024
How to grow tea: a complete guide to growing tea at home
How Is Tea Grown? A Guide to Tea Cultivation and ...
Penelope Patron: Oh perfect, these sites will work and I will go through them for the interlibrary loan for the written material. Thank you again!
Lilith Librarian: Thanks for using our service.
For more information about the 24/7 Global Chat Cooperative, contact sales@springshare.com.