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Top 10 Springshare Blog Posts of 2021

Can you believe it is 2022 already? Here at Springy HQ, we’re working hard on strategic plans for the year including mapping out some awesome new features coming your way, planning our training session schedule, upcoming SpringyCamps, and more. But before we start off our 2022 blogging at 100mph, let’s do…

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Launch LibChat, Literally, On Any Website

Offering a chat reference service is a great way to give real-time, personalized, reference services to library users. It helps patrons who are unable (or too uneasy) to enter a building or visit a desk to ask for help. Virtual chat reference is an accessible extension of your library’s reference…

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Route LibAnswers & LibChat Through Authentication Layer!

Do any of the scenarios sound familiar? Do you only want registered card holders or students/faculty to launch a LibChat? Are you a hospital, government, or law library needing to restrict access to your LibAnswers FAQs to only your authorized list of patrons? Do you want to restrict your LibAnswers…

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LibConnect w/ ILS Integration: Save Time & Increase Engagement with Auto-Updates

At the end of August, we (re)Introduced LibConnect to the Springy verse. Long story short, we rebranded LibCRM to be LibConnect because we’re rolling out amazing Email Marketing functionality with ILS Integration. And, we’re happy to say, that functionality has now arrived! LibConnect’s Email Marketing tool has ILS integration which…

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Staying in the Know – Keeping Up with Springshare

Knowing all the stuff you’re supposed to know that you don’t know – it’s an exhausting endeavor. How can you know the stuff you don’t quite know yet that you’re supposed to know?! See, even we’re tired just thinking that through. Here at Springshare, we have several different channels for…

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Recent Webinars You Might’ve Missed! Recordings Available

No matter what library type you work for (Academic, Public, Special, K12, etc), back-to-school season seems to affect us all. Whether you’re getting yourself geared up for students to come back to your building/campus, or you’re getting your own kiddos ready, or you’ve been inundated with back-to-school ads and commercials…

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We Added Another LibConnect Webinar!

If you missed our announcement about LibConnect and email marketing, you then missed our two recent webinars highlighting the new email marketing functionality! But have no worries, we added one more webinar to the schedule so you have another chance to get a preview sneak-peek of our newest email marketing…

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Springshare Announces LibConnect: Email Marketing and Engagement Product

Affordable Platform for Libraries to Drive Engagement and Build Patron Relationships MIAMI (September 1, 2021) – Today Springshare is excited to unveil LibConnect, a unique platform marrying its existing LibCRM product’s functionality with fully featured email marketing and engagement capabilities. “By adding email marketing and engagement tools to LibCRM, our…

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(re)Introducing LibConnect: Patron Engagement & Email Marketing

LibCRM, our Customer Relationship Management Tool, got tons of awesome new features and a new name to boot! Meet LibConnect, which combines powerful CRM functionality with an integrated email marketing platform so that you can better connect and engage with your patrons to offer targeted services, resources, and more. New Email Marketing…

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Using LibCal Appointments for Virtual Study Rooms

During the last 18 months of the pandemic, libraries had to adapt, and quickly, to meet the needs of their virtual learners. Academic libraries, in some cases, had only a few days to get their online services actually online before they had to close their doors. The Barry University Law…

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