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Staying in the Know – Keeping Up with Springshare

Knowing all the stuff you're supposed to know that you don't know - it's an exhausting endeavor. How can you know the stuff you don't quite know yet that you're supposed to know?! See, even we're tired just thinking that through. Here at Springshare, we have several different channels for you to communicate with each other, with us, and to keep updated on Springshare news. So, we thought we'd make it a smidge easier for you and outline all the places and sign-ups for you to stay in the Springy know... right in this blog post!

Getting Help & Training

There are a few places you can go to get help - whether it's a Springshare-led support system or to ask your fellow Springy users for their tips and tricks. Let's outline them below.

  • This self-service website contains searchable FAQs and Springboards to learn all about your Springy tools. All areas of all Springy systems are well-documented with helpful instructions and graphics. We regularly update these to include the latest new features and updates.
    • Can't find something in our searchable FAQs? Submit a support ticket and our amazing, stellar, wondrous support team will answer you.
  • This members-only website allows you to ask question of your fellow Springy users and see how others are using their Springy tools. The more questions you answer, the more points you're awarded and your opportunity to 'level-up' and get badges increases. There are real benefits to badges, including access to areas and information that you wouldn't normally see!  You can also sign up for email notifications of new posts, including Release Notes posts: lists of new features and fixes for each product, published ahead of each release. If you don't already have a login, request to become a member today!
  • Our training portal showcases upcoming training sessions plus recordings of all our sessions. All recorded sessions are fully closed captioned too. We add new sessions every month on interesting topics like Creating a Winter Break Reading List (Dec 9, 2021) so we always have interesting sessions for you to explore.
  • SpringyU is a self-paced learning tool where you can learn all about Springy Tools in bite-sized video tutorials. Learn all about a specific feature or how to accomplish a specific outcome, like this 5-minute video Block on Adding Appointment Availability in LibCal. Or, if it's your first time with a Springy tool, take a Course that walks you through all the components. If you're looking for a bigger project to tackle, check out Projects which typically comprise multiple tools. For example, New Employee Onboarding shows you how to use LibCal, LibAnswers, LibWizard, and/or LibStaffer for that purpose!
Main Springshare Support Website

Learn about the Lounge!

Springshare Training website
SpringyU self-paced learning

Springshare Communication Channels - Are You Signed Up?

From this blog to our emails - there are two sign-up forms to ensure that you're getting Springy information right to your inbox. To get all the news, right when it's published, we recommend you sign-up for everything below. Email Alerts

Every time we publish a new blog post, on this blog (this exact post for example!), we send out an email alert directly to subscriber's inboxes. If you're not getting these blog posts delivered to your inbox, be sure to sign-up to receive email alerts. This way, you'll get all our blog posts, hot off the presses, right away.

Sign-up to receive email alerts from the blog directly to your inbox.

Springshare Mailing List

Every month, we send out an email in each of the following categories. If you want to make sure you get information on our upcoming training sessions, latest SpringyNews edition, or new products and tools - be sure to sign-up for each category below. You can unsubscribe at any time or alter your subscription preferences.


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Bits & Bobs - Other Recommended Springy Websites

Springshare Learning Labs

Almost every month, we host a Springshare Learning Lab! These webinars showcase a client doing something amazing with a Springshare Tool combined with a training session! We store all our Learning Lab recordings and presenter notes so you can review them at any time.

SpringyNews Newsletter Editions

Three to four times a year, we publish a robust newsletter, titled SpringyNews, complete with LibGuides Tips & Tricks, past and upcoming updates, and so much more. These newsletters are chock-full of fun and helpful information and older editions are be just as helpful! For example, in this 2017 edition, we focus on 5 tips for building accessible LibGuides content. If you have time, be sure to browse our current, and older editions, for helpful content.

Client Stories - Get Inspired

We regularly publish interviews with clients, showcasing how they're using Springy tools at their institutions. There are some amazing stories, from Penn State University's use of LibGuides CMS LTI Automagic Tool for creating a library presence in 30,000+ online courses, to how one public library kept their doors open during COVID-19 using Springy tools.

There are several great, and inspiring stories, here - so be sure to check them out for inspiration and more!


Springshare Learning Lab - explore past presentations!
Browse all editions of SpringyNews
Browse client stories

Getting Social with Springshare!

Twitter - @Springshare

Our Twitter account is actively monitored by a dedicated group of folks on our social media team. We not only post fun and engaging content (weekly Wednesday riddles!) but we can also help answer any light questions you might have. For deeper more complicated questions, your best bet is to always contact our support team. So, if you're on Twitter - give us a follow!

Facebook - /springshare

Not only do we post fun stuff on our Facebook page, but we frequently go live with Facebook Live! You can explore our past live events, which include awesome client presentations at conferences, previous SpringyCamps, and more!

Now You're in the Know!

We hope this round-up of helpful websites and mailing lists clarified things for you! Be sure to bookmark these sites (or this blog post!), sign-up for those emails, and like us on social media. This way, you'll have access to all our virtual 'doors' and you'll be the first to hear about everything at Springshare!

Follow us on Twitter!
Like our Facebook page!

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