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LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025. LibCal You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the “Enable check-ins via QR Codes” to “yes”. For Equipment,…

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How The LTI Integration Tool Embeds Its Way Into Your Hearts

When Point Of Need Is Where It’s At! You know where you ought to be. Point of Need has become one of those phrases that sounded awkward at first — but is now a philosophy that’s the foundation of a strategy. In the library’s effort to provide excellent service, meeting your patrons where they are certainly works toward anticipating their needs and reducing friction. It helps boost usage and your…

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LibAnswers 24/7 Cooperative aka QuestionPoint Acquisition

Thank you to everyone who emailed us with excitement about the news of Springshare acquiring QuestionPoint. Besides the info in the press release, and the LibGuide (of course 😉 ) we created to answer migration questions  (, we’d like to spell out our reasoning behind this very big deal for all libraries interested in online reference service. First, let’s summarize the main points regarding transitioning existing QuestionPoint customers onto the…

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Hear How Two Public Libraries Are Using LibStaffer

Learning By Example Sometimes, the best way to understand how a tool can be used in your library is to see how someone else is using it in theirs. To that end, we have two amazing speakers from the Arlington Public Library and the Marion County Public Library System each presenting on how they’re using LibStaffer at their libraries. Join us for two opportunities to learn how other libraries are using…

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LibApps release: New LibCal, LibAuth, LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibInsight, LibWizard, LibStaffer, and LibCRM Features

So far in May we’ve celebrated May the Fourth, Cinco de Mayo, and Mother’s Day (among other awesome days)…and now it’s time to celebrate Springy Release Days! Bask in the shininess of new features and the glory of fixes. Use this celebratory energy to plan your next projects, including implementing these new features / adding them to your workflows and moving to LibWizard v2. Check out the training links at…

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Feed Your Data Cravings — With Springy Stats That Are Off The Charts!

Get Me Some Actionable Data…STAT! This is the world we live in. We need proof to try the pudding. 15 years ago, people simply went to a restaurant, chose a vacuum, or took a gym class. Now, most people spend a considerable amount of time doing research before major and even minor purchases. Just think about how many reviews you’ve read lately for a mobile phone case. How many stars…

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Guest Presentations from ACRL 2019 are Available!

In case you missed our awesome line-up of guest speakers at the ACRL Conference in Cleveland, we have the recordings available for you! Watch all guest presentations and download presenter materials on our ACRL 2019 Guest Presentations Buzz Guide. Huzzah! While you’re there, you might notice that all videos are hosted on our Facebook Page*. That’s because we use Facebook Live to stream these guest presentations… 100% live. So please bear with us…

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Prince Georges CC Uses LibWizard to Assess Student Success

An Easy Way To Get Important Data You Need. Libraries are working very hard to provide excellent instruction, easy access to information, and responsive service relevant to the needs of their students, faculty, patrons, and staff. If you know a little about LibWizard, you probably know that it allows you to make an unlimited number of custom tutorials, forms, and surveys. These are great for gathering feedback to help you know what you…

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Springshare Is Going To ACRL — And It’s Going to R.O.C.K!

Do you know what Cleveland really needs to keep up its electrifying rock-star-of-a-city status? An influx of College and Research Librarians — and the people who love them! It’s happening, April 10-13, and Springshare jumped on that bandwagon and is excited to kick things off early with a LibGuides pre-conference workshop to open the show! Springshare + Librarians in the CLE = a rousing good time, so come to Booth #639 to check…

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Here’s A Real News Feed. Springshare Brings You LibFoods!

Chew On This! Springshare Is Entering The SSaaS Business. We are nourishing more than just your creativity these days and adding another “S” to our SaaS – Savory/Sweet as a Service! This is a natural extension of our value proposition to libraries. Springshare has been dedicated to being your one-stop shop for fresh, affordable solutions designed to help you provide the best possible service for your patrons. So, why are…

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Arizona State Uses LibGuides for their March Mammal Madness

#2019MMM — Are You Playing? If you’re on Twitter, even a little, you’ve probably seen someone enthusiastically cheering for a Bengal Tiger or proclaiming she’s Team Sea Lion, even pumped about a Bearcat for the win. You heard correctly, pumped. It’s possible that at no other time of the year will you read so many academics use that word than during Arizona State University’s March Mammal Madness — a tournament…

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