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LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025. LibCal You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the “Enable check-ins via QR Codes” to “yes”. For Equipment,…

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Staying Motivated: Springy Projects & Professional Development

In the U.S., we’re about two weeks into social distancing and/or working exclusively from home, and we’ve started to settle into the new daily routine… at least for now. If we’re lucky enough to have flour, we’re stress-baking. We’re watching every TED Talk. We’re enjoying nightly Shakespearean sonnet readings. We’re video chatting with friends near and far. For those who’ve also found themselves figuring out new responsibilities while they’re at…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibAnswers, LibGuides, LibWizard, LibStaffer, LibCRM & LibInsight features coming your way!

Spring 2020 certainly has been an interesting beast thus far, and we at Springy HQ hope that you and yours are safe and healthy! We are an all-remote workplace, and as such have continued to chug along in our jobs (albeit with new office mates in a lot of cases!), supporting so many of you in your newly-remote work, and coding up exciting new features that we hope will make…

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A few updates for LibGuides

We here at Springy HQ have been hearing from you that you’re working from home, staying safe, and supporting your patrons just as well as you did in-house. As an all-remote company, we have all made this transition at one point, and so we know it can be tough! We continue to work hard to bring you features and updates for all the Springy apps that you depend on, now…

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Resource Sharing with Patrons (and Fellow Springshare Users)

It’s an uncertain time for everyone, and while we’re all in this together as a community, some of us are literally in this together, sharing the same work and living space, for the foreseeable future. Parents (including our own Springys) may find themselves with children suddenly at home who may or may not have lesson plans or structured activities. As schools are closing, people are hunkering down, and libraries find…

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Tips & Tricks for the Remote-First World

As more and more schools are closing, events are being canceled, buildings are shutting their doors, and people are remote-working where possible in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve… your organization is facing a critical and time-sensitive situation. How do you provide virtual services to your patrons? Here at Springshare, we know you’re under a lot of pressure and we’re here to help you…

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Update Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Your Springshare Service will Continue Uninterrupted

We at Springshare see our mission as twofold: First, as a software company we provide web-based SaaS solutions to help libraries with their communication, outreach and user engagement efforts. Second, we strive to provide you with amazing support to help you accomplish your goals of assisting patrons with their research and information needs through our software. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, many institutions are canceling programs, classes, and events, while at…

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PLA Conference Recap Including Guest Presenter Recordings

What’s not to love about Nashville? Great food? Check. Energetic vibe? Check. Amazing live music everywhere you turn? Check and check. We had a great time at the Public Library Association’s Annual Conference last week in Nashville. Springshare’s booth, not unlike the Grand Ole Opry, was absolutely jamming – we got to experience several amazing guest presentations, chat with clients and answer their questions, and munch on a few of…

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Browsers Continue to Increase Security…Springshare’s On Board

Here at Springshare we want to make sure all of you are aware of updates that impact your apps and users, whether those are updates that we initiate or that are initiated by others, like Google’s Chrome updates we’ve made you aware of over the years (with other browsers following suit). (Here’s a post on HTTPS, which links to previous HTTPS-related posts, and additional notifications about security updates in our…

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Grand Ole Lineup of Presentations @ PLA Nashville

While our stage won’t be as majestic as The Grand Ole Opry, we do have a sizzling line-up of presentations that are guaranteed to entertain and inform you and you won’t need a special membership to watch. From Wednesday, Feb 26 – Friday, Feb 28, we have a star-powered lineup of guest speakers plus in-the-flesh Springy trainers sharing tips, ideas, and strategies that are bound to get you dancing in…

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LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative: Views from the Patron Side

We’re T-minus 9 days until the LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative launch (wahoo!). We’ve shown you some of the Co-Op’s functionality and snazzy features you and your librarians can use behind the scenes, but we know that, at the root of it all, the Co-Op is really about helping people. It’s about serving patrons you otherwise may not reach or a segment of your community you’ve struggled to engage in the past. …

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