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LibAnswers Update is Live; Important Info for Email Settings

In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, “It’s Aliiive!” – the LibAnswers update, that is. In case you missed our preview post last week, remember: you can check out a full list of the new features available at We’re super excited to tell you about the new Email features. You can…

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LibAnswers Update: June 27th

We’ve been working on some awesome new LibAnswers features that are going to be rolled out Wednesday, June 27, 2012. There will be no system downtime during this code update. What’s so fabulously awesome about this update? Answer Page Redesign: The Answer page has been redesigned & more closely mimics…

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Meebo going away, LibChat coming your way…see it at ALA!

By now you’ve probably heard that Meebo is discontinuing its chat service on July 11, 2012. The good news is that LibChat will be ready before then. The even better news is that is it so super awesome that even if Meebo wasn’t cancelling their chat, you’d still switch to LibChat in…

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LibAnswers – New Features are Live!

Can you feel it? Spring is here, and we’re celebrating with a new crop of LibAnswers features! New in LibAnswers: SMS now available in Canada and the UK! Picture it: a text messaging service that’s directly tied in to your LibAnswers workflow. Send and receive SMS messages, create auto-responders, and enjoy…

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LibAnswers Code Update: Full Text Indexing, and More!

The last LibAnswers update was just 4 weeks ago, but our LibAnswers development team has been feeling hyper this August, so we’ve just rolled out some excellent new features! Full-text Search has arrived – WOO HOO! You can now search the full text of question and answer contents, both in…

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LibAnswers Updates

LibAnswers got a major upgrade last week. You’ve probably noticed the major toolbar organization changes, and may have seen our guide on the LibAnswers Update, but we have tons of additional features and upgrades to tell you about! Here’s the highlights reel: The New pop-up Widget is an awesome way…

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New LibAnswers Features Released!

We are very excited to announce a brand-new release of LibAnswers system with tons of new features and improved functionality. The updates went out this past weekend so everything is live already. Here is the rundown of the new stuff: LibAnalytics. We introduced a new product called LibAnalytics, which borrows from the functionality of…

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Introducing the LibAnswers FAQ!

We’re happy to announce a new way for you to get help with your LibAnswers questions – the LibAnswers FAQ! On this new site, you’ll be able to look for commonly asked questions and submit new questions that will be answered promptly by our Community & Training team. Not sure…

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LibAnswers helps libraries win the race!

Here’s a “too good not to share” story from our friends at Albuquerque/Bernalillo County (ABC) Libraries, who published a LibAnswer that received 11,000+ views in 5 days. An online trivia contest (“Outwit the West” – top prize: $1 million dollars) recently caused an internet sensation, and a patron submitted one of…

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LibAnswers Code Update – Mobile, Multi-lingual, Faster… Oh my!

If you noticed a lack of code updates for LibAnswers in the past couple of months, that was just the quiet before the storm because we are excited thrilled to announce a major LibAnswers code update which went live last night. There are lots of little fixes in this update…

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