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Springshare is Heading to ALA LibLearnX – Booth #913

The Springy Team is heading to the ALA LibLearnX in New Orleans, LA (Booth #913) from Friday, January 27th – 30th, and we can’t wait to see you there! We have a great lineup of flash presentations from Springy experts, plus two guest speakers! Trevor Smith from Douglas College will…

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Last Conferences of 2022!

Can you believe it, it’s October. It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year, hoping that 2022 would start to bring normalcy back into our lives. Fast-forward 10 months, and it seems like we got what we wished for! We’re attending conferences again, albeit masked-up, but we…

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Where’s Springshare? Recent & Upcoming Conferences Schedule

As soon as July hit, Springys have been on the road! We’ve attended a few conferences thus far, and have a whole lot more coming up! Read on to learn about where we’ve been and more importantly, if we’re coming to a conference near you. Recent Conferences It was so…

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Post-ALA Recap: Amazing Guest Speakers & More!

It’s been a few weeks since our first in-person ALA Annual Conference since 2019 and let us say – it did not disappoint! It was great to see all of you and while we couldn’t see the smiles under your masks, we could see it in your eyes, and it…

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Springshare’s Heading to ALA – Booth #2639

This is our second in-person conference of 2022, and we’re pinching ourselves – are we actually going to see our librarianBFFs in person?!? We can’t wait. We’re heading to the ALA Annual Conference in Washington DC (Booth #2639) from Friday, June 24 – Monday, June 27 and we’re bringing our…

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Are You Heading to ALA in Washington, DC?

It’s been a while since we’ve attended an ALA-annual conference. The 2019 ALA-annual was our last one, in fact. Now, three years later (it’s felt both longer and shorter than 3-years, hasn’t it?!) – we’re back! And we’re looking for guest presenters at our booth! Learning From Each Other The…

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All of Springshare’s (up)Comings & Goings

Spring has officially hit the northern hemisphere, even if the weather isn’t fully cooperating, and Springshare is taking the warm-ish air in stride with a ton of upcoming events! Don’t miss out on these virtual and in-person (gasp! can you believe it?!) events in the coming weeks. Aspen & LibCal…

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We’re Heading to PLA in Portland, Oregon!

The last conference we attended in-person, before the pandemic hit, was PLA in Nashville in March 2020. It seems fitting that our first face-to-face in-person conference a full two years later is PLA in Portland, Oregon on March 23-25. We’re excited to be back and we’re bringing our Springy finest…

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March is Full… of Online Presentations! Join Us!

We blinked, and somehow we are already three months into the new year. It’s not feeling so ‘New Year’ anymore! If you’re like us, zoom zoom zooming (both in the literal and webinar sense of things) through the day, and need a few moments to slow down – join us…

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Thanks for a Great LJ Fall Summit!

We had a wonderful time at this year’s Library Journal Fall Summit. While we missed the hustle and bustle of the exhibit hall, we loved chatting with all of you during our live screencasts and in our virtual booth!   Watch Our Presentation on Exceeding Patron Expectations in the New “Normal” Speaking of Screencasts…. the LJ Fall Summit may be over, but you can still…

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