As soon as July hit, Springys have been on the road! We've attended a few conferences thus far, and have a whole lot more coming up! Read on to learn about where we've been and more importantly, if we're coming to a conference near you.
Recent Conferences
It was so nice to see folks in-person at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington DC in July, and Springy Talia continued those happy vibes when she headed to the IFLA conference, in Dublin, Ireland. Not only did she meet Springy clients from around the world, literally, but she was able to deliver a presentation on Ways to Increase Patron Engagement Using Springshare Tools.
If you weren't at the IFLA conference or weren't able to see Talia's presentation, download her slides! Unfortunately, IFLA doesn't record sessions so we don't have a video recording to share.

Upcoming Conferences We're Attending
We've got a lot of upcoming conferences and we hope to see you at one of them! If you're going to join us, comment below and let us know which conference you are attending.
IGELU Conference - Cardiff, Wales
Sep 12 - 15
We're attending our second International Group of Ex Libris Users conference, this year in Cardiff, Wales from September 12 - 15. Find us at Springshare's Gold Booth at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Or attend Springy Talia's presentation, Springshare Integration with Ex Libris Tools where she'll cover ways you can better integrate your LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, E-Reserves content into Primo/Summon and vice versa!
Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference (PaLA)
Oct 16 - 19
This is our first time attending this state-level conference and Springy Dave is super excited. Swing by our Booth #38 at the Hilton Harrisburg and ask about our newest tool, LibConnect with Email Marketing, or ask about our exciting coming soon feature: LibAnswers Chatbot!
NELA Annual Conference
Oct 23 - 25
This isn't our first time exhibiting at the New England Library Association's Annual Conference, but its been awhile since we've attended - and we can't wait to stuff our faces with some lobstah rolls and clam chowdah. All jokes aside, we're looking forward to meeting with all library types in the New England corridor so be sure to swing by our table at the Hilton Doubletree in Manchester, New Hampshire.
The Charleston Conference Vendor Showcase
Nov 1, 2022
There's a reason this conference starts with a 'The' in front of it. It's one of the premier conferences for electronic resource librarianship. And we're super excited to return to this conference and chat with librarians about how they can better analyze e-resource usage using LibInsight. Have questions about other Springy tools? No worries, we'll be on deck to answer all your Springshare-related questions.
Will We See You There?
Hopefully we'll get to you see at one conference, at least! But alas, if traveling is not in the cards for you - you can still reach out and 'meet' with a Springy by attending any of our upcoming online training sessions! It's almost as good as being there, minus all the free swag.