Can you believe it, it's October. It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year, hoping that 2022 would start to bring normalcy back into our lives. Fast-forward 10 months, and it seems like we got what we wished for! We're attending conferences again, albeit masked-up, but we at least get to see your beautiful faces - from the eyes up at least.
To that end, here are the last few conferences Springshare will be attending in 2022 - we hope to see you there! Plus, at a few conferences, we're participating in raffles and delivering some pretty awesome presentations you won't want to miss.
Pennsylvania Library Association Conference (PaLA)
Dates: Monday, October 17 - Tuesday, October 18
Where: Harrisburg Hilton, Booth #38
Springy Sonia will be representing Springshare at the PaLA conference. Plus, we're participating in the Exhibit Hall Raffle where we're donating a $100 Visa giftcard. You have to visit our booth, #38, to receive a raffle ticket. Your raffle ticket is entered into a drawing to win our $100 Visa giftcard as well as other giveaways donated by exhibitors.

New England Library Association Conference (NELA)
Dates: Sunday, October 23 - Tuesday, October 25
Where: Doubletree, Manchester, New Hampshire, Table #300
Presentation: Monday, October 24 - 3:45pm - 4:45pm
Springy Jen will be representing Springshare at table #300. She'll have fun stickers to giveaway PLUS she'll be delivering an amazing presentation: Takeaways for Delivering Excellent Customer Service. She'll cover practical tips for providing great customer service to your online users, whether you’re fielding reference questions and requests from email, online forms, SMS, and social media or trying to come up with better ways to make sure that your patrons get the best answer, every time.

Charleston Vendor Showcase
When: Tuesday, November 1
Where: Charleston Gaillard Center, Table #98
Presentation: Tuesday, November 1 - 4:30pm in Salon 1, Gaillard Center
Springy Talia will be heading to Charleston, South Carolina to participate in the Charleston Vendor Showcase. Springshare will be available to answer any of your questions at table #98 and we'll be participating in the Scavenger Hunt so be sure to checkout those Questionnaire Cards and see if you can guess the answer!
Plus, Talia will be delivering a 20-minute presentation in Salon 1 on Ways to Supercharge Your Outreach Efforts with Springshare Tools. Learn how your LibAnswers Chatbot puts library reference services front and center, how LibConnect’s Email Marketing helps you increase mindshare with your users, and explore new features coming to LibGuides A-Z list that help you advertise your databases. All of these tools help ensure your users are more aware of library services.

Library Journal Director's Summit
When: Thursday, December 1 - Friday, December 2
Where: Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore, Maryland
Calling all Public Library Directors, Springshare will be attending Library Journal's Director's Summit at the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore. Springys Mazen and Talia will be available to showcase LibCal's New Tickets & Museum Passes module, LibAnswers' new Chatbot tool, and more!
We hope to see you at ANY of the above conferences, but if not, here's hoping we'll see you in 2023 - and maybe finally we'll see your whole entire face, sans mask!