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LibGuides A-Z + Bootstrap 5

Update Your LibGuides A-Z Look & Feel with Bootstrap 5 LibGuides is built on Bootstrap, a framework of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. This means you can increase the usability and functionality of your guides with Bootstrap components without extensive web development experience. We’re gradually moving LibGuides pages onto the latest-and-greatest Bootstrap 5-based framework – you’ve seen this already with last year’s refreshed A-Z Database List. Next up: the new Blogs experience will be coming your way very soon! This upgrade to Bootstrap 5 also brings you exciting Pages Look & Feel settings to allow you to customize the look and layout…

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Please Join Us for a Demo of LibAnswers

We have scheduled several online demos for Thursday and Friday of this week to introduce people to our exciting LibAnswers system.  What is LibAnswers you ask?  Well – LibAnswers is a web-based question-and-answer system and FAQ builder for libraries.  It enables patrons to search the knowledge base and ask questions from anywhere.  Our auto-suggest feature matches the patron’s question with an existing answer in the system, and they are automatically…

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LibGuides Statistics Clean-up

Happy New Year to all the LibGuides admins, librarians and content creators around the world!  This quick blog post is to let you all know that the yearly statistics clean-up for LibGuides was performed this afternoon.  This annual maintenance ensures that our database and reporting engine are optimized and ready to support another record year of LibGuides usage! For those of you who joined LibGuides in 2009 and have not…

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Using Syndetics Book Covers in LibGuides

We are very excited to announce a partnership with Syndetics Solutions, to enable you to use Syndetics book covers in LibGuides “Books from the Catalog” content boxes. You do not have to be a Syndetics subscriber to use this new functionality. We are thankful to our friends at Syndetics for working with us to make this a core LibGuides feature. As an added bonus, if utilizing Syndetics book covers you…

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New LibAnswers Report Helps with Reference Staffing

We have added another statistics report to the already sizable Reference Analytics module functionality – the “Daily/Hourly Question Distribution” table. The report is available from the “Reference Statistics” and “Reports Wizard” screens in the Reference Analytics Tab. The report shows the number of questions asked each hour, for all Mondays, all Tuesdays, all Wednesdays, etc. during a specified time period. Since the daily reference patterns can vary greatly depending on the…

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1500+ Questions Answered via LibAnswers Already

We were going to celebrate the 1000-th question answered via LibAnswers, but before we could say “cheese”, we realized this number already stands at 1547. Wow! Given that the system was released only recently, this speaks volumes about how popular and useful the system is going to be, and how easy it is for patrons to submit their questions and get timely responses from librarians. They’ve already done it 1547 times in…

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Introducing LibAnswers Analytics (Beta)

Since we introduced LibAnswers at the Chicago ALA, pretty much everybody who has seen the system has been blown away (in a good way 😉 ).  LibAnswers is the new, web 2.0 approach to online reference. Patrons can ask questions using natural language and the system will automatically suggest answers, the knowlege base can be queried and the questions can be asked from anywhere via widgets (i.e. from any web page, from…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – November 2009

What library will have the honor of being LibGuides member #1000?  Stay tuned for an announcement coming in the next few days! Community Sites: 995 Librarian Accounts: 16,669 Total Guides: 64,500 Total Pages: 400,208 Unique Visitors: 1.18 million Page Views: 30.10 million

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Updates Regarding the Support Form

Several LibGuides users have had questions about our support form recently, specifically asking who receives the emails when a user clicks the “report a tech support issue” link at the bottom of a LibGuides page.  Since this question was becoming fairly common, we figured it would be a good idea to post a reminder on the support blog about how the form is configured. If the visitor selects the first…

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New QuerySpy Statistics Reports in LibAnswers

The QuerySpy feature is probably the unsung hero of the LibAnswers system. It enables you to see the question/query activity in your system, i.e. what people  are typing and searching for, in real time. Seeing the QuerySpy in action reveals its amazing benefit. Many clients tell us the QuerySpy feature itself is worth the whole price of LibAnswers. After all, knowing what questions people don’t submit and what they are searching for is just as…

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New Statistics Reports in LibAnswers

We have retooled our LibAnswers statistics pages which now include a new layout and beautiful, interactive flash-based charts. We also added a few new reports which provide even better insight into how and when your LibAnswers system is being used. Here are all the new features/reports: General System Report (accessible via Admin Console -> Statistics Tab -> General System Report.) It shows  the breakdown of questions by the source, total number of views…

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