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New Statistics Reports in LibAnswers

We have retooled our LibAnswers statistics pages which now include a new layout and beautiful, interactive flash-based charts. We also added a few new reports which provide even better insight into how and when your LibAnswers system is being used. Here are all the new features/reports:

  1. General System Report (accessible via Admin Console -> Statistics Tab -> General System Report.)
    It shows  the breakdown of questions by the source, total number of views for all questions, and the number of queries performed. There is also the Community Ranking figure, i.e. how your system stacks up against other LibAnswers sites.
  2. Query Analysis Chat (accessible via Admin Console -> Statistics Tab -> General System Report.)
    Graphical (and numeric) representation of the breakdown of queries – how many queries (and what percentage) were successful queries (people find the answer they needed) vs how many did not find the answer they were looking for.
  3. Monthly Question Count(accessible via Admin Console -> Statistics Tab ->Monthly/Daily/Hourly Statistics.)
    Number of questions submitted and answered by month. Available in numerical representation and as a cool bar chart.
  4. Daily/Hourly Question Distributions(accessible via Admin Console -> Statistics Tab ->Monthly/Daily/Hourly Statistics.)
    Graphical representation of the daily and hourly distribution of questions, i.e. you can  see on what days (and at which hours) do people ask most questions. Really neat and useful tool which will help with staffing scheduling decisions.

For those of you who do not have LibAnswers yet (what are you waiting for, lol?) you can see the new charts in action in our screenshot tour of the Statistics package, which is available at (click on the “take the screenshot tour” graphic). You will be impressed.

Last but not least, in the next few weeks we are going to unveil the first optional module for LibAnswers – Reference Analytics module. The module will enable you to keep track of *all* reference statistics in LibAnswers, i.e. not just web-based reference but also Live Reference, Telephone, Email, IM, Sms, etc. You will be able to create your own categories and fields for record keeping, and then record and keep track of any reference transaction from within LibAnswers system. Optionally, the transactions can be included into the LibAnswers knowledgebase, to be searchable by patrons. Best of all, you will be able to create all kinds of useful, beautiful, and interactive reports and charts on your reference service usage patterns,  giving you an unprecedented statistical and analytical insight into your online vs. offline reference. In short, it’s going to be awesome. 😉

As always, thanks very much for your feedback, input, and feature suggestions. Keep it up!

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