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LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025. LibCal You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the “Enable check-ins via QR Codes” to “yes”. For Equipment,…

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Code Release: New LibAnswers, LibCal, LibWizard, LibStaffer, LibInsight, LibGuides, and LibCRM features coming your way!

What better day to share the details of our upcoming release than Valentines Day? Sending some love out to our favorite people in the form of features & fixes across our apps! These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, February 21st. There’s one change that we are making across all apps, to…

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ALA Midwinter Recap Including Guest Presenter Recordings

We had a great time at ALA-Midwinter, from stuffing our faces with cheesesteaks, exploring Reading Terminal Market, eating more cheesesteaks, walking (not running!) the 72 Rocky steps in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and did we say… eating cheesesteaks? But the most fun, even above stuffing our gullets with cheesy steaks, was had whilst watching the amazing guest presentations at our Springshare Booth. And while we got to…

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Using LibGuides to Swiftly Address Current Events

Librarians Don’t Miss a Beat! Librarians in 96 countries have built more than 719,000 LibGuides. They build subject guides and course-specific guides. Some guides serve as the library’s website. There are how-to guides and guides that reach out to specific demographics. Using LibGuides to share knowledge is easy and that is never handier than when librarians must build guides to respond to current events. When you have to address the matters…

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The LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative Your Patrons Will Love!

The 24/7 Chat Cooperative is Near-Ready for Take Off! It’s an exciting time for us here at Springshare as we prepare to launch the LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative. It’s going live on February 28, 2020. To answer the demand for a look at how the Cooperative will work, we’ve set up more sneak-peek webinar dates in case you missed the first round because they were booked solid or the times…

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Get Tips, Ideas & Early Looks at Springshare’s ALA MW Booth!

We’ll Be There with Bells On! The Springshare team is gettin’ Philly with it — packing bags, researching places to eat, and gearing up to meet you in Philadelphia, January 24-28 for ALA Midwinter. Our guest presenters are ready to rock. We’re focused on all the exciting tips, ideas, and strategies we’ve been prepping to share. Plus, you’ll get a special look at the new LibAnswers 24/7 Chat Cooperative. So…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibWizard, LibInsight, and LibCRM features coming your way!

Happy New Year, Springyverse! We’re super excited to get new features out to you in 2020, including (later this year) the much-anticipated LibAnswers 24/7 Cooperative (go live date is February 28th for early adopters and May 29th for the whole cooperative)! Our January release gets us one step closer to having live cooperative functionality and (of course!) includes great new features for LibAnswers, LibCal, LibGuides, LibWizard, LibInsight, and LibCRM. We…

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Ten Springshare Blog Posts of 2019 to Remember

A Quick Look Back… Have you been writing the date and messing up? Yes, it’s 2020! Your muscle memory will give in soon enough but as we gear up to launch full scale into the new year, here’s a look at the ten Springshare blog posts of 2019 that deserve a second read. Looking back is more than nostalgic, it’s a great way to get excited about what’s to come….

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Springshare Support is Closed as We Celebrate the Holidays.

Springshare Support is Closed for the Holidays…But We Have Fun Stuff in Case You’re Open! We’re taking some days off to celebrate the holidays. You can expect Springshare Support to be closed on Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th. While we’re at it, looking into the future a bit, we will also be closed on January 1st. But, we know that some libraries will be open and are working…

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Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing – Tip #2: Keep Patrons Informed

Tip #2 – Keep Patrons Informed We’re getting down to the part of the season where there are atypical hours and even closures either due to inclement weather or observed holidays. Just as important, there are some libraries that are anxious to let patrons know that they will, in fact, be open. LibAnswers has so many features in place that let you get ahead of the questions by taking a…

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Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing — Tip #1: The Eventful Library

Tip #1 — The Eventful Library What’s on the schedule for these next three weeks? Is it chaos, or cookies? This time of year, most libraries have event calendars that are jam-packed! LibCal is just as full of tremendous features — as your libraries are of eager patrons. Let’s make a list (and check it twice) of the ways you can ensure that you’re doing your level best to keep your…

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