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Get One-on-One Help With Springshare Consulting

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t do everything by ourselves… all the time. Not only is it a surefire way to burnout, but there is a high probability that things will get missed, overlooked, or steamrolled over. And that’s why Springshare is here to…

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Help Where Patrons Need It: A Partnership With Lean Library

Today’s a big day here at Springy HQ! We’re excited to announce our partnership with Lean Library, a browser extension from SAGE Publishing, that delivers library services directly into the patron’s workflow via a customizable plugin. The partnership will begin by integrating LibGuides with the Lean Library browser extension –…

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Share Your #MyLibLifeReality

We miss seeing library friends! Let’s catch up.1) Share your #MyLibLifeReality video w/ us by Feb 26.2) We’ll make a donation to @BlackGirlsCode.3) Highlights will be featured in March #SpringyNews & on social.Learn more #BlackHistoryMonth — springshare (@springshare) February 16, 2021 It’s still, definitely, winter, and our thoughts…

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Springshare Support Closed for Holidays

It’s been said before, but it is worth repeating – 2020 has been a year. Springshare support is not only excited to say goodbye to this really tough year but also to take some (well-deserved) time off. ICYMI, in our recent newsletter – the Springshare Support team answered 35,000 support…

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Springshare Holiday Hours & Support Schedule

It’s that time of year again, the holidays are almost here and we’re seeing an end to 2020 (thank goodness!). To that end, our Springshare Support Team schedule will see some modifications during this holiday season. Have no fear, your support question will be answered. Additionally, we will be monitoring…

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Introducing the New (and Improved!) Springshare Lounge

In case you missed the big announcement in our July SpringyNews edition, we launched a new and improved Springshare Lounge! In this ‘new normal’, we wanted to improve opportunities for Springy users to communicate with each other, share how they’re using Springshare tools, and leverage localized expertise. Since its official…

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How They Did It: Gwinnett Technical College Welcomes Fall 2020 with LibCal Seats

2020 has been a difficult year, for sure. Most of us are likely ready for it to end so we can flip a page of sorts. However, for the world of Academia, Fall is kind of a new beginning. This fall every student in the country is starting a new…

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LibCal Mini-Release: Create Multiple-Hour Blocks to Facilitate Cleaning

This release is on its way to you this week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, September 18. Spaces Locations: Multiple-Hour Blocks Help Facilitate Cleaning Our pandemic new normal necessitates designated cleaning times to sanitize spaces and seats in between bookings….

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We’re Hiring!

We’re ready – and excited – to hire some new Springys for our Customer Support, Tech, and Sales teams! 🙂 Have you ever thought about joining the Springshare crew? Know someone who would make a great Springy? We’re looking to hire some customer-focused folks who enjoy learning and sharing, are…

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Update Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Your Springshare Service will Continue Uninterrupted

We at Springshare see our mission as twofold: First, as a software company we provide web-based SaaS solutions to help libraries with their communication, outreach and user engagement efforts. Second, we strive to provide you with amazing support to help you accomplish your goals of assisting patrons with their research…

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