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LibChat Under the Hood Update Now Live!

We’ve been hard at work on the next generation of LibChat, and we’re thrilled to report that part 1 – our major under-the-hood rewrite – is now live! This update is all about improving the general back-end performance of LibChat, so you may not “see” much new stuff at first…

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LibAnswers: SMS, Notes, and Keyword update now Live!

We have a belated Valentine’s Day present heading your way (we didn’t forget, we promise!) in the form of a LibAnswers update! Read on to learn about all the new features. Notes Makeover Notes associated with individual questions got an upgrade: Multiple Notes – Add multiple notes to questions to track…

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LibAnswers and LibChat Updates Now Live!

Good Morning Springyland – we’ve rolled out a LibAnswers and LibChat update! This time around we’re focusing on some of your most requested features – here’s the highlights reel: LibChat Updates File Transfers – Patrons and Librarians can now share files via chat, all with the click of a button.*…

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LibAnswers Update: Timezone and SMS Improvements

Hey there, Springy Nation – we’re rolling out a LibAnswers code update! It includes changes to the way we handle timezones, as well as new features and improvements for the SMS functionality – read on for the rundown. Timezone Management We’re thrilled that people around the world (literally!) use LibAnswers….

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LibChat: New Widget Updates

Hey there, LibChat users – we’ve got several exciting updates to our existing chat widgets to share! Encourage users to add a name to the chat: Instead of auto-filling the “Guest” name in the initial chat form, we’ve added a new checkbox option. Users can still chat anonymously, but we think…

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LibAnswers Update is Live; Important Info for Email Settings

In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, “It’s Aliiive!” – the LibAnswers update, that is. In case you missed our preview post last week, remember: you can check out a full list of the new features available at We’re super excited to tell you about the new Email features. You can…

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LibAnswers Update: June 27th

We’ve been working on some awesome new LibAnswers features that are going to be rolled out Wednesday, June 27, 2012. There will be no system downtime during this code update. What’s so fabulously awesome about this update? Answer Page Redesign: The Answer page has been redesigned & more closely mimics…

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Meebo going away, LibChat coming your way…see it at ALA!

By now you’ve probably heard that Meebo is discontinuing its chat service on July 11, 2012. The good news is that LibChat will be ready before then. The even better news is that is it so super awesome that even if Meebo wasn’t cancelling their chat, you’d still switch to LibChat in…

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LibAnswers – New Features are Live!

Can you feel it? Spring is here, and we’re celebrating with a new crop of LibAnswers features! New in LibAnswers: SMS now available in Canada and the UK! Picture it: a text messaging service that’s directly tied in to your LibAnswers workflow. Send and receive SMS messages, create auto-responders, and enjoy…

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LibAnswers Code Update: Full Text Indexing, and More!

The last LibAnswers update was just 4 weeks ago, but our LibAnswers development team has been feeling hyper this August, so we’ve just rolled out some excellent new features! Full-text Search has arrived – WOO HOO! You can now search the full text of question and answer contents, both in…

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