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Learning Lab: A Collaborative Approach to LibAnswers Chatbot Integration

If you’re thinking of all the ways, places, and virtual spaces where you can integrate your LibAnswers Chatbot – this upcoming November Learning Lab is for you! UMass Boston’s Lauren Movlai and Eunkyung Lee will discuss how they transformed the user experience at their library by integrating Chatbot inside their Ex Libris Primo discovery layer. Working collaboratively across their two departments of Library Systems and Discovery Services and Reference Outreach and Instruction, they had a goal of enhancing access to information about their library services and resources through Library FAQs hosted in LibAnswers and providing another point of contact to…

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LibGuides Webinars – Call For Ideas

As many of you know, we are currently conducting a series of “User Experience” webinars in cooperation with the super-cool and very knowledgeable Kristiana Burk of We will record and archive these (as well as all future LibGuides webinars) so that you can watch them offline if unable to participate. The first couple of webinars are our ‘test-bed’ of sorts, to help us master the platform and the recording process. If…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – October 2008

Congratulations to the LibGuides community members – your unique visitors increased by 25% when compared to September and total page views were just a bit shy of 10 million! Community Sites: 396 Librarian Accounts: 6813 Total Guides: 21,189 Total Pages: 116,818 Unique Visitors: 337,795

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Google Scholar Content Box & ‘Linked Pages’ Feature

Thanks to the continued (excellent) feedback from our clients, we are pleased to announce the availability of two new features in LibGuides: 1) Google Scholar Content Box. This content box enables users to search the Google Scholar database from LibGuides. The librarian can also create a “default query” for users of Google Scholar. The query will appear when the visitor loads the box. Since Google has not yet released the official…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – September 2008

Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community. Community Sites: 362 Librarian Accounts: 6218 Total Guides: 17,101 Total Pages: 112,669 Unique Visitors: 246,513 An important milestone was reached in the month of September – as a community, our members have now published over 100,000 pages of content within LibGuides!  Lucky page #100,000 can be found on Jeremy Cusker’s Operations Research and Information Engineering guide in the Cornell…

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OpenSearch Compliance and LibX Browser Bar Support

LibGuides is now OpenSearch compliant!  From the OpenSearch Wikipedia page: “OpenSearch is a collection of technologies that allow publishing of search results in a format suitable for syndication and aggregation. It is a way for websites and search engines to publish search results in a standard and accessible format.” What does this mean for your library patrons?  The OpenSearch specification provides web browsers with a means to auto-detect search engines,…

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New LibGuides Features, and Improved Community Site

Thanks to the (awesome) feedback and ideas from our client libraries LibGuides is getting better all the time. The latest round of feedback/ideas resulted in the 4 new features we just released. The new look for the Community Site (, with cleaner interface and the ability to browse guides by Subject. See more in-depth description of the new community site at the end of this post. Improved “Browse All Guides” page for…

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Honorable Mentions III

We have not highlighted a LibGuides related blog post in some time, but when we saw the post on the Gonzobrarian blog today, we couldn’t resist! One of the fruitions of my library’s attendance at a recent conference was to become more fully introduced to the increasingly popular service called LibGuides. After attending a session on it, the first thing my director mentioned was something to the effect of “I…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – August 2008

Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community; over 20,000 content pages were added last month! Community Sites: 337 Librarian Accounts: 5782 Total Guides: 14,596 Total Pages: 90,180

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LibGuides Integration with Twitter

We’ve achieved a lot of “firsts” in the Library software world in terms of web 2.0 stuff – LibGuides was one of the first commercial library software with a Facebook app (we now have three), among the first to integrate with, etc. Today I am pleased to announce another “first” and, perhaps, the coolest one yet – Twitter integration. Now when you publish a new guide you can broadcast the news on…

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Issues With Accessing New Servers

After our server upgrade went as smoothly as possible (zero downtime for patrons), we were alerted today that several (5, to be exact) of our clients were not able to access the new servers. After scratching our heads and looking at the problem from every possible angle (I’d like to thank our clients who worked with us on figuring it out), one of our genius techies (i.e. not me) said “it…

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