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LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025. LibCal You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the “Enable check-ins via QR Codes” to “yes”. For Equipment,…

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Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing – Tip #3: Is Your Library Holi’Ready?

A big part of holiday planning is knowing where to be, and when. You’ve got dinner plans at your friend Tina’s house on the 24th at 6pm and latkes at your cousin Tim’s abode on the last day of Hannukkah. Coordinating all of those invitations and appearances requires a lot of planning and forethought. Will the train be packed at 5pm causing you to be late? Should you take 95N…

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New in LibInsight – Custom Chart Colors!

Customize your LibInsight charts to match your organization’s official color palette, or customize Dashboards per review period or project. Define your custom colors at the system-wide level and you’ll see them in your dataset analysis charts, cross-dataset analysis, and dashboards. Head on over to System Settings to set your system colors. If a chart requires more colors than you’ve specified, random colors will be chosen. If the Randomize box is…

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Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing – Tip #2: Cultivating a Homemade Experience

Nothing says the holidays more than homemade. Whether you’re baking rugelach, hand-crafting thoughtful gifts, or DIY’ing your decorations – you’re sending the message that your guests are special and deserving of homemade. Nothing beats homemade, but it can take a lot of effort, time, and work! If you’re looking to bring that ‘homemade’ feeling to your library, you’re probably daunted by the idea of providing a homemade experience for each…

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Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing – Tip #1: Getting Emoji’tional

While your library might be winding down from the hectic schedule of finals or if you’re experiencing the general slowdown of traffic and questions typical during this time period – here are some quick (and fun!) things you can do, right now. We’ll be releasing our Tis the Season for (spring)Sharing as a blog series from now till Dec 22nd! So come back and check out our other Springy Tips….

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7 Tips for Making Your Case to Use LibGuides CMS to Power Your Website

When updating the library’s website, you’re not making that decision in a vacuum. More often than not, it’s a group decision that must go through multiple layers of stakeholders and departments. If you’re advocating moving your Library Website into LibGuides CMS, you’ll need some feathers in your quill to strengthen your position. Here are seven tips designed to help you ‘make your case’ towards moving your library website into LibGuides…

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Tips for Designing LibGuides for Children

The look and design of your LibGuides will change depending on your audience. If you’re designing LibGuides for adults, graduate students, or advanced learners – you’ll focus more heavily on library resources, advanced searching techniques, and information literacy skill reinforcement. When designing LibGuides for children, think bright, colorful, engaging, and entertaining. No matter what children are doing online, whether its entertainment or education, they’re looking to have fun. Your LibGuide should be simple…

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BiblioEvents and LibCal Integration

Here at Springy HQ, we’re super excited to announce a unique integration between BiblioEvents and LibCal’s Spaces Bookings! How does it work? When creating an event inside of your BiblioEvents admin interface, you can reserve the space/room for that event inside LibCal. *Update: 11/16/2017* The recording of the webinar is available now! Watch this 1hour recording and learn how BiblioEvents and LibCal Spaces are integrated. Attend a Webinar and Learn…

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LibCal 2.11 – Event Updates and More are Live!

The LibCal 2.11 release is live, and we have loads to tell you about! We’ve redesigned the Manage Event Screens to bring you many new event management features, plus Event Templates are here! Read on for all the details. New Manage Event Screens So many of you have asked us for additional features and functionality for managing events – marking attendance, more email flexibility, etc. When we coded all this…

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LibWizard Update Now Live

We have a brand new mini-release for LibWizard out today. This is just a maintenance release that is mostly concentrated on often requested bug fixes and some back end performance tweaks. You should notice a faster, smoother, LibWizard experience! Just a few items: Corrected a usability issue when LibWizard assets are embedded into LibGuides. Fixed a problem where users were unable to edit the date and time field on reports….

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Fall LibGuides Updates – Check ’em Out!

We released support for uploading your own HTTPS (SSL) certificates in September, and boy have you been using it! You’ve had a lot of great questions and helped us devise an improved Certificate Management page that is more intuitive to use. Haven’t uploaded a certificate yet? Need to renew and upload a new one? No problem! Just log into LibApps and head to Admin > Domains & Certificates. Click the…

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