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LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025. LibCal You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the “Enable check-ins via QR Codes” to “yes”. For Equipment,…

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Using LibCal to Schedule Curbside Pickup

You might have heard of LibCal or perhaps you’re already an avid user. If you’ve never heard of it at all, LibCal is our web-based calendar & event management tool helping you: Create a Calendar of In-Person/Online Events with optional patron registration; Schedule one-on-one research appointments with the Appointment Scheduler (now with virtual meeting integration!); Apply and distribute library hours with the Hours Tool; … and manage Spaces Reservations for bookings of library spaces. But…. have you thought…

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LibCRM, LibAnswers, and LibStaffer Updates!

These releases are on their way to you this week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, May 22. Read about: LibCRM | LibAnswers | LibStaffer LibCRM We’re pleased to bring you a new interface for Reports in LibCRM. Click Reports in the orange Command Bar and click New Report to get started. Keep an eye on the Reports landing page; we’re…

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Librarian Reserve Corps Fighting COVID-19’s Infodemic

At this point, you’ve likely heard that we’re battling an ‘infodemic’ in addition to a pandemic. Misinformation abounds and some of it is costing people their health and, unfortunately, their lives. But what you might not know, is that even the world’s top researchers, scientists, doctors, and specialists are also battling the infodemic. Sifting through the massive amount of data that is being published almost daily, identifying valuable and credible…

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Code Release: New LibGuides & LibInsight features coming your way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, May 15, 2020. May is a busy month for us here at Springy HQ! In addition to the new LibGuides and LibInsight features heading your way next week, the following week we will be bringing you a new Reports interface for LibCRM, as well as…

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LibAnswers’ Reference Analytics Research Study

Now, more than ever, we’re helping people. Helping family, helping neighbors, and even helping strangers. To that end, Springshare is helping Casey Roberson with his research study on how Academic Libraries use LibAnswers’ Reference Analytics “Add a Transaction” form. So if you have 20 minutes to spare and you’re an Academic Librarian using LibAnswers’ Reference Analytics – fill out Casey’s survey. We’ve asked Casey to introduce himself and explain his…

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LibCal and LibAnswers Major New Functionality Release

Quarantine or not, we’re always busy churning new features and functionality of our platform, based on suggestions and feedback from our customers. This upcoming code release for LibCal and LibAnswers is the best example of our responsiveness to customers’ needs. With librarians pivoting to different service models centered around remote-first teaching and learning, many of you told us that you’d love to be able to conduct research appointments and hold…

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You’ve Switched to Remote Services… And the Numbers Show It

As libraries across the globe quickly pivoted to online services in response to the pandemic, we’ve been seeing some really interesting early numbers that illustrate the size of this sudden change in library services. We wanted to share these with you, along with some information about what we’ve been doing on our end to support you all during this time. Spikes in LibAnswers and LibGuides = Librarians hard at work Since…

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Using LibCal Appointments & Events to Stay Engaged Online

It’s National Library Week! Springshare applauds the hard work librarians everywhere are putting in during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep their libraries operating and serving patrons. It may seem like an impossible task to keep the library — especially those whose doors are closed — engaged with the community, but your ingenuity and resourceful natures have been making it happen! We’ve collected some examples of how libraries are using LibCal…

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Supporting Patrons During the Pandemic Using Springshare Tools

Before we dive into today’s blog post, we want to take a moment to thank all librarians and library workers on National Librarian Day (one day late). Thank you! The world is made better by librarians, and we certainly would not be here without you. 😄 If we could virtually hug each and every one of you, we would! Librarians are problem solvers. Librarians are information seekers. Most importantly, when…

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Transitioning to Online Learning with LibGuides & LibWizard at the Kent School

As librarians are figuring out how to reach their communities in new ways, we’ve loved seeing the flurry of resources and tips shared online, new guides, and all kinds of creative solutions. While we’ve created new training sessions and provided project ideas on the Springshare end, it’s often most helpful and reassuring to hear from someone who’s right there in the trenches with you. Today we’ve brought in special guest…

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