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Can’t Get Enough of LibMaps? We’ve Added More Sneak Peeks!

We’ve heard you loud and clear, everyone’s buzzing about LibMaps! Due to overwhelming interest, we’re adding two more sneak peek sessions in March-including one later this week! That means two extra chances to explore Springshare’s newest tool and see how it can transform the way patrons navigate your library. What’s All the Hype About? LibMaps brings your floor plan to life with interactive mapping and collection wayfinding features. Whether patrons are searching for a specific book, a quiet study space, or a key library service area, this innovative tool makes it easy to bridge the digital-to-physical library experience. With seamless…

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Learning Lab Streaming Live on Facebook

We were not surprised at all when our upcoming Learning Lab, Ain’t No Party Like a LibGuides Party, reached full max registration in just a few days. We were not even surprised when the numbers of the waitlist started ticking up and up and up. I mean, it’s a LibGuides party – everyone wants to attend, right? 🙂 So the training team got together to try and solve this problem….

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EDUCAUSE Webinar: Safely Return Students To Your Buildings

It might not come as a shock to you that your amazing efforts are being noticed by other departments on campus. We often hear from you with emails like, “Student Advising saw our LibCal Appointment Scheduler, and they want to use it for scheduling student one-on-ones.” Or, “Career Services saw our LibAnswers FAQ and LibChat, and they want a LibAnswers system for career advising”. Librarians are innovators. Always on the…

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Libraries & The Pandemic Response: A 3-part Client Story Series

We took the opportunity to revisit three libraries that we had previously featured in Client Stories — three years ago. We discussed their handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the challenges it brought to their doors. While we were not at all surprised by their commitment to providing the best possible service under the ever-changing circumstances, we were thrilled to learn about the ways Springshare tools help them as they…

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Code Release: New LibCal, LibApps, LibStaffer, LibInsight and LibWizard features coming your way!

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, May 21, 2021. Read about LibCal | LibApps | LibStaffer | LibInsight | LibWizard. LibCal Appointment Booking Forms Our new and improved Appointment Booking Forms are here! Our new booking forms streamline the process of setting up appointment forms across your site, and bring better…

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LibCal Seats: Reopening Entire Campuses, Safely

For many of you, you’ve been using LibCal Seats in your libraries for months now. It helped you reopen your buildings, with occupancy restrictions to control how many people were inside at any given time, and it helped you with track & trace protocols with detailed check-in/out functionality. But what you might not know, is that LibCal Seats is being used beyond the library. Many campus IT departments saw what…

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Springing Into Action – Librarian Reserve Corps

What another amazing Learning Lab! Last week, Sara Loree and Victoria Messana, volunteer librarians from the Librarian Reserve Corps, delivered an amazing presentation on how they used Springshare tools to put out a call for volunteers, organize those volunteers by location and speciality, and communicate important information with volunteers, researchers, and more. All to help stop the flood of misinformation that was taking place due to the pandemic. If you…

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Unlock Your LibGuides’ Potential

A few months back, we announced an exciting partnership and integration with Lean Library. With the Lean Library browser plug-in, you can embed your LibGuides right at the point of need. Here’s how it works: Increase your LibGuides Usage Utah State University launched a pilot program with Lean Library to explore whether or not this integration would increase their LibGuides’ usage. And boy, did it. They saw a 450% increase in views,…

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Thanks for a Great ACRL Conference!

We had such a blast at this year’s ACRL virtual conference. And while we missed seeing all your faces, IRL, it was nice to chat with all… albeit virtually. Some of you swung by to ask questions, others watched our videos and downloaded our brochures. And to those of you that dropped in to leave a thank you note in our live chat, well you made our day. Winners of…

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Meet the Librarians Saving Us from the Infodemic

Named Librarians of the Year by Library Journal, Elaine R. Hicks, Stacy Brody, and Sara Loree, founder and co-leads of the Librarian Reserve Corps, are helping researchers stem the tide of fake news during this global pandemic. The Librarian Reserve Corps was created in response to the World Health Organization’s need for timely and accurate COVID-19 research. Elaine, Stacy, and Sara quickly formed a group of volunteers to vet, index, and…

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We’re @ ACRL Virtual Annual Conference!

We’re going fully digital at this year’s virtual ACRL Annual Conference (April 13 – 16). We’ve got 3D holograms. Be able to chat with your fave Springy using a VR headset. We’ve even got cutting edge Smell-o-Vision technology where you’ll be able to smell Mazen’s famous baklava when you come by our virtual exhibit booth! Okay, okay – none of that is true. Except the first sentence, we ARE exhibiting…

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