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LibGuides & Learning Management Systems: Share Your Story!

There’s a conversation on the Springshare Lounge about integrating information from guides into learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard, Moodle, &Desire2Learn. We know there are a lot of experts on this topic in the LibGuides community, so we’re reaching out to you! How are you integrating your LibGuides content…

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Tab Enhancement

A quick update – we’re rolling out a small enhancement to the public display of guides. If your guide only contains one page, the “Home” tab will no longer display in the public view. You’ll still see it when editing in admin mode, but your patrons will see a cleaner…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – December 2010

A relaxing December put a cap on a very exciting 2010, where our LibGuides community grew by 800 member libraries and over 11,000 librarians!  Thank you very much to all the LibGuides, CampusGuides, CommunityGuides, and LibAnswers users out there – it has been a pleasure working with all of you…

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A-Z Import Now Pulls in Custom Database Names

This past weekend our friends at Serials Solutions announced that custom database names are available via their API, so we are now able to import those custom values into LibGuides! The way it works is as follows – if your resource has been assigned a custom name in the Serials…

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LibAnswers helps libraries win the race!

Here’s a “too good not to share” story from our friends at Albuquerque/Bernalillo County (ABC) Libraries, who published a LibAnswer that received 11,000+ views in 5 days. An online trivia contest (“Outwit the West” – top prize: $1 million dollars) recently caused an internet sensation, and a patron submitted one of…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – November 2010

Community Sites: 1764 Librarian Accounts: 26,386 Total Guides: 128,272 Total Pages: 829,040 Unique Visitors: 2.08 million Page Views: 51.75 million

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – October 2010

This month we are happy to report that the LibGuides / CampusGuides community has surpassed two million unique visitors in a month for the first time! Combine that with our highest ever monthly page-view total, and its easy to see our community is growing faster than ever! Community Sites: 1710…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – September 2010

In September the LibGuides community surpassed 50 million page views for the first time. Yikes – that’s a lot of page views! Community Sites: 1663 Librarian Accounts: 24,499 Total Guides: 116,034 Total Pages: 748,598 Unique Visitors: 1.85 million Page Views: 52.89 million

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New Features for LibGuides/CampusGuides and LibAnswers

Over the weekend we successfully completed another major code update (without any system downtime – kudos to our tech team!) and rolled out many new features. Watch for the full details of all new features in our upcoming October newsletter, but here is the summary: LibGuides/CampusGuides: Mobile interface for your…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – August 2010

Viewing the numbers from last month, its pretty clear that our community is ramping up for another school year with LibGuides and CampusGuides!  In August we saw the creation of our 100,000th research guide, and very soon our page total will go over the 700,000 mark and our membership will…

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