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Monthly LibGuides Stats – April 2008

Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community. Community Sites: 183 Librarian Accounts: 3001 Total Guides: 6565 Total Pages: 34,747 Number of Visits 177,824 Monthly Page Views: 2,660,335

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Full Text Search in LibGuides

We’re pleased to announce the availability of full-text search in LibGuides. The full text search is available on individual LibGuides sites as well as for the community site (if you haven’t checked out the community site yet, what are you waiting for? – Unlike our previous search function which…

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Dublin Core (DC) metadata in LibGuides

Based on feedback and ideas from our clients we are pleased to announce the availability of Dublin Core metadata in individual guides. This will help your catalog and search products index the guides more effectively. So far we’ve included the standard set of DC meta tags (see example below), but if…

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New Version of LibGuides!

We are pleased to announce a new, improved, better, cooler version of LibGuides. It was rolled into production a few days ago and the first impressions from our community are very positive. Kudos are rolling in and it is music to our ears! Thanks to all of you who contributed…

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Research Guides 2.0

Librarian “Mick” is an avid LibGuides user of North Eastern Illinois University’s LibGuides. He has put together several great LibGuides-related posts on his blog. One post reveals his (excellent and very timely) thoughts about what Pathfinders 2.0 should look like – check it out at “LibGuides and my Philosophy of Pathfinders 2.0” In addition, Mick has…

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Raw Weblog Statistics for LibGuides

Hello Folks,There hasn’t been much activity on our support blog because we are busy working on the new version. You’ll be impressed, I assure you 🙂 We have a question for the community, and some feedback would be appreciated. In the next release, we are thinking of making available raw…

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