Monthly LibGuides Stats – June 2008
Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community. Community Sites: 257 Librarian Accounts: 4265 Total Guides: 9859 Total Pages: 56,993
Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community. Community Sites: 257 Librarian Accounts: 4265 Total Guides: 9859 Total Pages: 56,993
Among the new features we announced today, the “Google Search Box” content box type is perhaps the most important because it is a harbinger of future functionality for searching content inside LibGuides boxes. Our grand plan for world library domination involves creating a set of APIs which anybody (e.g. library…
Our tech guys have been busy cranking out code so we have another batch of new features to announce. They all come as a direct result of the suggestions and ideas from our customers, so keep up the great work and continue providing us constructive feedback. The new features we…
As most of our LibGuides admins know, there is a system-wide customization screen in the Admin functions area (under the System Settings tab). This screen enables you to customize the look and feel of your LibGuides system. With a bit of knowledge of html and css style sheets, you can go a step further…
Here are the most recent cummulative stats for the LibGuides community. Community Sites: 215 Librarian Accounts: 3556 Total Guides: 7973 Total Pages: 49,225
It is now possible to add content boxes in the profile column on your guides. This gives you more flexibility in organizing your guide content. Note that the content boxes will appear below the profile box – the profile box is always at the top of the right column, unless the profile is hidden in…
A few LibGuides librarians (especially sys-admins) have asked us how they can see the list of all private / unpublished / published guides in the system. This information was available but it was in different places and not easily found, so we created a tab called “Guide Index”, which lists…
We have added a few new options in LibGuides for dealing with comments. As local LibGuides sites become more popular and replace Google and Wikipedia as *the* sources of reliable information (just kiddin’, but hey – nobody knows information better than librarians, so why not?) the issues with comment spam may…
Based on user feedback we have made a few changes to the guide layout. The result is a cleaner and more standardized interface for visitors who are looking at your LibGuides. 1) We have added “breadcrumbs” in the upper left corner, just below the banner. Here, visitors will find links back…
We are very pleased to announce the release of several important new features in LibGuides. As a true web application, LibGuides is a “work in progress” and we are adding new functionality to the system all the time, based on the feedback and requests from our user community. This is,…