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“Guide Index” Tab for LibGuides users

A few LibGuides librarians (especially sys-admins) have asked us how they can see the list of all private / unpublished / published guides in the system. This information was available but it was in different places and not easily found, so we created a tab called “Guide Index”, which lists…

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New Options for Moderating Comments in LibGuides

We have added a few new options in LibGuides for dealing with comments. As local LibGuides sites become more popular and replace Google and Wikipedia as *the* sources of reliable information (just kiddin’, but hey – nobody knows information better than librarians, so why not?) the issues with comment spam may…

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Improved Guide Layout

Based on user feedback we have made a few changes to the guide layout. The result is a cleaner and more standardized interface for visitors who are looking at your LibGuides. 1) We have added “breadcrumbs” in the upper left corner, just below the banner. Here, visitors will find links back…

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New LibGuides Release with Important New Features

We are very pleased to announce the release of several important new features in LibGuides. As a true web application, LibGuides is a “work in progress” and we are adding new functionality to the system all the time, based on the feedback and requests from our user community. This is,…

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Exporting LibGuides Reports to Excel

To further support integration with 3rd party applications and services, LibGuides can now export its statistics reports into two new formats. The “Plain” option will display your report in a new window, formatted in such a way that it can easily be copied and pasted into another application or sent…

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Full Text Search in LibGuides

We’re pleased to announce the availability of full-text search in LibGuides. The full text search is available on individual LibGuides sites as well as for the community site (if you haven’t checked out the community site yet, what are you waiting for? – Unlike our previous search function which…

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Dublin Core (DC) metadata in LibGuides

Based on feedback and ideas from our clients we are pleased to announce the availability of Dublin Core metadata in individual guides. This will help your catalog and search products index the guides more effectively. So far we’ve included the standard set of DC meta tags (see example below), but if…

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Great New Layout for Books

Last week we had a few people ask if we could improve the layout of the book boxes within LibGuides.  The development team really hustled this weekend, and we are happy to announce that the requested changes went live this evening.  While there are some small changes regarding the layout,…

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Introducing LibGuides Community Features

We are thrilled to introduce a new chapter in the LibGuides (r)evolution – LibGuides community site, at You can also access this site by clicking on the “Community” tab on the LibGuides admin screen. The community site makes it possible to search guides of all our member institutions. Imagine the possibilities…

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LibGuides Widgets Statistics

Widgets are the unsung heroes of LibGuides. They are a great way to embed your LibGuides into blogs, course management systems, social networks, etc. We’ve made an enhancement to the statistics package in LibGuides to enable you to track the number of visits to your guides from widgets. In other words, when…

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