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New Features for Subject Categories Pages

We’re excited to announce the new and expanded subject category functionality in LibGuides and CampusGuides. These changes are significant in both the UI sense (see below) but also in that they represent another step in opening up our platform to let you organize and track non-LibGuides resources. With this, LibGuides can (and should 😉…

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New LibAnswers Feature – Recommended Answers

Our new LibAnswers system is generating a lot of great buzz, and we believe for a good reason – it is an innovative reference 2.0 tool with a refreshing new twist on the “ask a librarian” service. Many built-in Social Features, Twitter integration, FAQ knowledge-base builder, the Query Analysis, the…

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New LibGuides Features for Summer 2009

A large update was applied to the LibGuides servers last night that included many new features, optimizations, and other improvements.  Here are a few of the more noteable changes that were made: RSS Feeds: Users can now subscribe to several different RSS feeds that contain information about content being added…

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Summer Updates

It has been a busy summer for us at Springshare, and we have a lot of exciting news to announce, so lets get to it! Starting things off, the LibGuides Community has been growing at a record pace over the last few months.  We added 43 libraries in March, 52…

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Secure HTTPS Logins, CampusGuides and LibAnswers

Happy Spring everyone – our favorite season here at Springshare! As you know, we are constantly striving to improve LibGuides based on the feedback we receive from our community members.  In that regard, we are pleased to announce that we have upgraded LibGuides to support secure logins via HTTPS/SSL.  From…

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Item Linking and Reusing of Content

After a few months of working on this (thank you to all our clients who suggested and contributed to the idea), I am very pleased to announce a major step in the evolution of LibGuides: item-level linking and reusing of content in the system. Say what? Here’s the scoop… Previously,…

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Google Scholar Content Box & ‘Linked Pages’ Feature

Thanks to the continued (excellent) feedback from our clients, we are pleased to announce the availability of two new features in LibGuides: 1) Google Scholar Content Box. This content box enables users to search the Google Scholar database from LibGuides. The librarian can also create a “default query” for users…

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OpenSearch Compliance and LibX Browser Bar Support

LibGuides is now OpenSearch compliant!  From the OpenSearch Wikipedia page: “OpenSearch is a collection of technologies that allow publishing of search results in a format suitable for syndication and aggregation. It is a way for websites and search engines to publish search results in a standard and accessible format.” What…

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New LibGuides Features, and Improved Community Site

Thanks to the (awesome) feedback and ideas from our client libraries LibGuides is getting better all the time. The latest round of feedback/ideas resulted in the 4 new features we just released. The new look for the Community Site (, with cleaner interface and the ability to browse guides by Subject. See…

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LibGuides Integration with Twitter

We’ve achieved a lot of “firsts” in the Library software world in terms of web 2.0 stuff – LibGuides was one of the first commercial library software with a Facebook app (we now have three), among the first to integrate with, etc. Today I am pleased to announce another “first”…

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