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Train Future Librarians and Request a *Free* Suite of Springshare Tools

Graduating Librarians, Information Professionals, and School Media Specialists are entering a workplace that requires more and more specialized skills, knowledge, and experience. Things like: Experience at building a LibGuide; Knowledge of administering & maintaining a LibGuides system; Skill in using virtual chat reference tools like LibChat; Know-how with coordinating, managing, and…

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LibCal 2.4.5 – MyScheduler Updates Now Live!

Oh boy, we have some fun MyScheduler updates to share! With this release we’re aiming to make life easier for admins, and what better way to keep your sanity intact than to add centralized MyScheduler management and a whole new way of presenting your MyScheduler appointments to the public? We’re…

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LibGuides 2.1.12 Update – Unified Search and LTI updates are here!

The LibGuides 2.1.12 update has rolled out, and we have several big updates aimed at helping you unify the user experience across Springshare’s tools! Our huge new LTI update is now available for LibGuides CMS clients – it’s ready to help you deploy targeted guide and help content across hundreds of courseware pages,…

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LibCal 2.4 Update Now Live!

Exciting news, the LibCal 2.4 update rolled out early this morning, and we have lots of fun new features to share! LibAuth Integration in Events & MyScheduler Are you familiar with LibAuth? It’s our full authentication management system, designed to fully integrate your existing authentication systems in Springshare’s products. LibCal is…

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LibCal 2.3 Update – A New Look and a Whole Lot More!

The LibCal 2.3 update just rolled out, and we’re thrilled to introduce a whole new way of looking at Calendars and Events. There are so many things to love in this update – everything from the updated/modern look for calendar, event, and homepage displays, to the new tools that make it easier…

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Using LibCal to Create Dynamic Digital Signage

The University of Hull’s Brynmor Jones Library runs a program of drop-in sessions to cater to new and returning students. The sessions are over a 6-week period with up to eight individual sessions each day. In 2014, upcoming sessions were displayed on digital signage manually. The manual nature of updating the…

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LibCal + iPads = Happy Students @ Duke University Libraries

When we heard that Duke University Library was doing something cool with their surplus iPads, we had to find out more. In a nutshell, they upcycled several gen1 iPads to create touchscreen room booking interfaces, using LibCal, outside their reservable Project rooms. Bottom-line, students love the convenience of booking a Project…

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LibCal v2.2 Update Now Live

We’re super-excited about this LibCal v2 code update. It brings major new functionality to the system as well as several nice-to-haves and bug fixes: 2-Way Sync with Outlook for MyScheduler. With the previous update which covered Google Calendar 2-way sync, we now have full integration with two most widely used…

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Outstanding LibGuides v2 Customization – Interview with University of North Florida

If you haven’t had a chance to preview the UNF’s LibGuides customizations, run (don’t walk) your typing fingers over to We chatted with Jeremy Hall, UNF’s Virtual Services Librarian, about their LibGuides customizations, CMS functionality, Springy Tools integration, and the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Okay, we’re kidding about that last…

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New in LibCal v2’s My Scheduler – Your Free/Busy Times from Google Calendar

You asked, we coded!  Many of you use Google Calendar for your personal calendaring, and until now, you had to manually remove availability times from My Scheduler whenever a new meeting came up.  Duplicate that effort no more! Configure My Scheduler to check your Google Calendar, and your busy times…

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