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LibGuides: Information is a Candle in the Dark

We love sharing great examples of librarians using LibGuides/CampusGuides to publish high quality, timely information. When we saw Kathy Park’s guide about the tragic events in Japan, we were inspired by its breadth, quality, & currency – so we’d like to share her work with the community. Check out the COM Library’s guide to the Japan…

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CampusGuides Transform Librarians into Tech Innovators

Just as the librarians at Johnson & Wales University (Providence) found Springshare tools helped them earn a “Rock Star” status on campus, we’re pleased to report that another library recently earned kudos from their university community.  Nova Southeastern University Libraries won 1st place in the professional category of the university’s…

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100,000 Library Guides (and counting…)

We were so excited about the just-released code updates, new products, modules, etc. that we almost missed a super-cool milestone for our flagship platform. As of last week there were 100,000 guides in our LibGuides community. That is an amazing achievement by our community, and it speaks volumes about the…

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A Shining Example of LibGuides – Gulf Oil Spill Information Center (GOSIC)

When we see impressive examples of the content created by librarians with LibGuides, we don’t just yell “holy smokes!”, we also share it with the world. The Gulf Oil Spill Information Center (GOSIC) site, created by the librarians at the University of South Florida (USF) is a great example of…

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The Unquiet Librarian: Top Ten Reasons I Love LibGuides

This morning we wanted to do something a bit different, and feature a blog post from one of our LibGuides community members – Buffy Hamilton aka the Unquiet Librarian. Buffy is a media specialist/teacher-librarian at Creekview High School in Canton, Georgia and is also one of the most active proponents…

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Building a Global LibGuides Community – 25 Countries and Counting

Every now and then we stop for moment, take a deep breath, and marvel at the amazing growth of our LibGuides Community – 1,100+ libraries and 17,000+ librarians creating useful guides, collaborating, and sharing content and ideas. We knew we had many international libraries on board, but we recently realized we’re global in…

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1500+ Questions Answered via LibAnswers Already

We were going to celebrate the 1000-th question answered via LibAnswers, but before we could say “cheese”, we realized this number already stands at 1547. Wow! Given that the system was released only recently, this speaks volumes about how popular and useful the system is going to be, and how easy…

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LibAnswers, CampusGuides, Chicago ALA

We emailed this update to all admins today, but for those users who didn’t get the email here’s a recap: The betas of LibAnswers ( and CampusGuides ( have arrived (and they look great)! We’d love for you to check them out and give us your feedback, suggestions, and comments….

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Summer Updates

It has been a busy summer for us at Springshare, and we have a lot of exciting news to announce, so lets get to it! Starting things off, the LibGuides Community has been growing at a record pace over the last few months.  We added 43 libraries in March, 52…

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Happy Anniversary!

It was two years ago today that Temple University became the first member library of the LibGuides community.  In those early days we were thrilled to add just one or two new libraries each month as word began to spread about the cool things you could do with LibGuides.  Today, LibGuides…

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