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Interact with LibCal Interactive Maps!

The LibCal mapping add-on module was released a few weeks ago and we know you've been dying to get your virtual hands on it. And now's your chance! We've released some fun interactive examples for you to explore and navigate [end of puns]. Plus, if you want an in-depth dive including front and back-end screens, sign up for a webinar below!

Endless Use Cases

LibCal's Interactive Mapping module is more than just booking seats and spaces! Use it for wayfinding, creating virtual library tours, communicating important information about policies and departmental hours, and more. We'll cover all these examples, and other ideas, in the live webinars.

Functionality Coming Down the Pike

We wouldn't be Springshare if we didn't have big plans.

  • Heatmap Functionality -  This feature will overlay booking data and frequency on library maps showing which spaces/seats are more popular than others and where most popular spaces/seats are located.  This is a great tool for optimizing the layouts of your library spaces to meet user needs.
  • Subject Holdings Integration - we'll expand the wayfinding ability to include subject holdings data shown on interactive maps – and integrating this with ILS and discovery platforms so that users can see the exact location of a given book right inside your ILS/discovery search.

Interactive Examples - Time to Play!

Academic Library Example

  • Multiple floors
  • Wayfinding features for non-reservable library assets (1st Floor > Cafe)
  • Nested maps (1st Floor > Computer Lab)

>> Explore Academic Library Maps

Public Library Example

  • Stacked floor map display
  • Wayfinding features for non-reservable library assets (1st Floor > Non-Fiction)
  • Nested maps (1st Floor > Teen Space)

>> Explore Public Library Maps

Community College Library Example

  • Single floor map
  • Wayfinding features for non-reservable library assets (Reference Desk)
  • Reservable Spaces only / no Seat-level reservations

>> Explore Community College Library Map

Live In-Depth Webinars

All webinars listed below are in U.S. Eastern Time. Can't attend live, register to get the recording!

  • Registration for these events close two hours before start time.
  • One hour before the event, you will receive an email with instructions for signing into the event.
    • If you wish to only receive the recording, please disregard this email.
  • When registering, please use your institution email address and not a Gmail or general email address.
    • Using a general email address may delay your registration and ability to attend this webinar.

Thursday, August 5
1:30pm - 2:00pm US ET.

Thursday, August 12
2:00pm - 2:30pm US ET.

3 thoughts on “Interact with LibCal Interactive Maps!”

  1. Love the Academic Library example! But I couldn’t see the wayfinding feature (bullet #2) – is that only available when there is an event that you can click “show on map” for?


    1. Hi Arianna!
      Thanks! So the wayfinding feature shows up inside the maps, as a way to view information about areas beyond just booking a space or seat. For example, go to the first floor Academic Library map: Click on Circulation Desk > in the pop-up you’ll see ‘wayfinding’ information include hours, policy information, etc. I.e. more than just booking a seat or space. Also, click on the book stacks area to the right of the study rooms! See how it shows information about the books in that area including a link to the catalog? That’s what we mean by wayfinding. Any ‘area’ of the library can be made to display information! You could add an area of the vending machines and explain the types of snack you have there, or the cafe area and share the specials of the day. It’s a great way to advertise what the physical space of the library has to offer.
      Springy Talia

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