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Do You Want a LIVE SpringyCamp at ACRL 2025?

ACRL 2025 in Minneapolis is right around the corner and we want to make this year's conference better than ever by hosting the first live SpringyCamp! You know and love our yearly camp-themed virtual conference, but we're thinking about adding an in-person day at ACRL 2025. If there's enough interest we'll host a SpringyCamp session to show you the latest and greatest ways to use your Springy Tools.

Interested? Take Our Survey

If you're coming to ACRL 2025 and want our camp counselors to bring you a new version of SpringyCamp, please let us know by filling out a quick survey!

SpringyCamp would start the morning of Wednesday, April 2 which gives you plenty of time before the 3pm Opening Keynote of ACRL. We would provide food, drinks, and the inspiration to take your Springy Tools to the next level!

We're looking for presenters!

Are you doing interesting and innovative things with Springshare Tools in your library? You could share your knowledge with your peers by presenting at SpringyCamp! You would get to start your conference off strong and presenters would receive an honorarium!

Let us know you're interested when you fill out our SpringyCamp survey!

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