Hello LibraryLand!
Springshare’s got a new form/survey builder on the block and it’s a lean, mean, data-gathering machine!
LibSurveys is the next iteration of our original ‘Surveys and Forms’ module in LibGuides v1 CMS. We added so many new features, revamped the user interface, made an awesome reporting tool and… voila – LibSurveys was born.
What are some of the features of LibSurveys?
- Field Types Galore – Create surveys/forms using text, numeric, date, radio, check-box, rating, grid field types, and more.
- Display Options – Add pagination for longer surveys, text blocks for instructions, line separators to group ‘like’ questions together, and even white space to add visual space. These display options can help to improve survey submissions!
- Conditional Logic – Setup complex surveys that allow you to hide and reveal specific questions based on answers that a patron provides. If they answer X, then show Y. Logic rules allows you to gather specific answers based upon a users’ response. For example, if you wanted to collect feedback on your past library events but only if that person has attended an event.
- Drag & Drop Interface – Select the elements you want to display and drag & drop them into your Survey Builder. It really is that easy!
- Survey Visibility – Add date-range limiters, password protection, and even a visibility status to control when and who submits survey responses.
- Customizable Look & Feel – Customize form size by defining width & height, how field labels display, custom CSS to change colors, and more.
- Submission Options – What happens after the patron submits their survey? Create a custom success message or route them to a specific URL.
- Notifications – Send a copy of each survey submission to the email address(es) you define!
- Share & Embed – Share a direct URL, embed it directly into your v2 LibGuides using the integrated Survey content type, or embed it onto any other webpage using LibSurveys widgets! Our widget code is designed to work on both http:// and https:// pages, so whether it’s a public webpage or secure Learning Management System (LMS), we’ve got you covered!
- J’adore Reports – Gathering survey submissions is pointless without a robust reporting tool. View the overall Data Grid, drill down to specific responses with Field Analysis, and even compare fields using the Cross Tabs Report.

Can I Subscribe to LibSurveys?
Yes! LibSurveys is a standalone product and you can subscribe to it alongside any of our other Springy Suite of Tools. Email us today for a trial and pricing: sales@springshare.com.
I Subscribe to LibGuides CMS – Do I get LibSurveys with my Subscription?
Yes! You’ll get LibSurveys as part of your subscription to LibGuides CMS, the platinum package of LibGuides. In LibGuides CMS v1 you had access to the ‘Surveys and Forms’ module. We are replacing this module with this LibSurveys product so all LibGuides CMS v2 clients have access to LibSurveys as part of their CMS license.
We even have a dedicated help guide just for you! Login to your LibGuides v2 site and click HELP from the command menu. On the help site, select LibSurveys help guide and voila! You’ll learn everything there is to learn including importing your LibGuides account holders into LibSurveys.
If you’re not subscribing to LibGuides CMS and you’re interested in adding LibSurveys to your Springshare subscription, we strongly recommend that you check-out the LibGuides CMS package. The CMS package bundles LibSurveys with other amazing LibGuides CMS features such as Group functionality, Access Rules, Publishing Workflows, and more. Check out all the amazing LibGuides CMS features.
I’m Using LibGuides v1 – can I use LibSurveys?
Unfortunately, No. 🙁 LibSurveys is built on our v2 platform so it is fully integrated with v2 LibApps. So, you’ll need to update to LibGuides v2 to use LibSurveys.
Do You have LibSurveys Training?
Yes! Sign-up below:
- Wednesday, September 24th
1pm-2pm U.S. Eastern Time - Thursday, October 2nd
4pm-5pm U.S. Eastern Time
The Future of LibSurveys – LibSurveys Plus
This initial rollout of LibSurveys is just the tip of the Springy iceberg. In the next few months we are going to offer a paid upgrade called LibSurveys Plus. You’ll be able to create quizzes and tests, embed them in LibGuides v2 (or elsewhere), grade responses, and track learning. We’re talking assessment here folks, and it’s going to be grand!
To sum it up – LibSurveys contains the Survey/Form builder functionality, and it’s a free product for all LibGuides v2 CMS clients. If you’re not subscribing to LibGuides CMS, you can purchase LibSurveys separately or upgrade to LibGuides v2 CMS and get LibSurveys in the CMS bundle. LibSurveys Plus is an upcoming paid product which adds the quizzes and assessment functionality to LibSurveys.
Hi, can you tell me how/if any of the LG1 surveys will be migrated to LibSurveys when we migrate to LG2? Will our data be migrated, or should all survey data be saved in Excel before our freeze date?
Hi Edith! The surveys you’ve created in LG1 will not migrate to LibSurveys, so we’d highly recommend saving all existing v1 survey data in excel prior to your go live date. Btw, you’ll still have access to your v1 site for 6 months after you go live (though it will reside at a different URL) so if for whatever reason you don’t save your survey data before your go-live date, you’ll still have 6 months to go back and export your survey data.
Thanks, hope this helps! -Sarah