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Embedding Wolfram Alpha Search Widget Inside your LibGuides

You have probably heard about Wolfram Alpha by now. It is a new search engine/technology – a “computational knowledge engine that draws on multiple sources to answer user queries directly.” (quote from their website).  Some people think it’s the next big thing in search, others disagree, but one thing is…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – September 2009

With 1 million unique visitors generating a combined 30 million page views in the month of September, we think its safe to say that school is definitely back in session! Community Sites: 914 Librarian Accounts: 15,288 Total Guides: 56,363 Total Pages: 356,204 Unique Visitors: 1.01 million Page Views: 31.64 million

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A-Z Database Lists in LibGuides – Beta Testers Needed (Serials Solutions Users)

We noticed that many of our clients are creating A-Z Database Lists in LibGuides. So, we want to make it easier for you to create and maintain these guides, and to that effect we are close to finishing a major new enhancement called, well, A-Z Database List Management (not a lot…

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New Features for Subject Categories Pages

We’re excited to announce the new and expanded subject category functionality in LibGuides and CampusGuides. These changes are significant in both the UI sense (see below) but also in that they represent another step in opening up our platform to let you organize and track non-LibGuides resources. With this, LibGuides can (and should 😉…

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Monthly LibGuides Stats – August 2009

August was a month that brought many new milestones for the LibGuides community, including: – The addition of 70 new libraries – our largest single month increase ever! – There are now more than 14,000 librarians actively using the LibGuides software. – LibGuides now contains more than 50,000 individual research…

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LibGuides server connectivity issues – update

Hello folks, just an update – we are restarting the servers again so there will be a 10 minute downtime, in order to restore the access.

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LibGuides Connectivity Problems – Fixed

In a typical Murhpy’s Law fashion, as soon as we posted the previous blog update about the connectivity issues, we figured out the problem and fixed it, so I believe this issue is now behind us and the new servers will start acting like they’re supposed to – healthy, fast, and…

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Intermittent connectivity problems to LibGuides servers

This past Sunday we performed a major upgrade to our hardware (to prepare for the increased usage for the upcoming school year), but it appears there are some problems with the new setup. We are working diligently to figure out what’s going on, and in the meantime we apologize for any brief…

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Summer Updates

It has been a busy summer for us at Springshare, and we have a lot of exciting news to announce, so lets get to it! Starting things off, the LibGuides Community has been growing at a record pace over the last few months.  We added 43 libraries in March, 52…

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Secure HTTPS Logins, CampusGuides and LibAnswers

Happy Spring everyone – our favorite season here at Springshare! As you know, we are constantly striving to improve LibGuides based on the feedback we receive from our community members.  In that regard, we are pleased to announce that we have upgraded LibGuides to support secure logins via HTTPS/SSL.  From…

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