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Spring 2010 Code Updates

As some of you have surely noticed by now, we released some pretty significant updates to LibGuides, LibAnswers and CampusGuides over the last weekend.  These updates represent several months of work from our talented tech team, along with dozens of suggestions from our LG / LA / CG user communities!…

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LibAnswers – Instant Message Notifications for New Questions/Comments

We rolled out the initial (beta) release of the LibAnswers/Instant Messanger integration, so please check it out. Log on to your main LibAnswers admin page (My Admin) and under System Settings tab select “IM Notifications” option. This is where you can setup the integration (you must have a valid GTalk account to do this, but…

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Visual Data Analyzer for LibAnswers Reference Analytics

We have a new, incredibly useful, report available for the LibAnswers Analytics module – the Visual Data Analyzer. It enables you to create custom X/Y Charts for any combination of metadata values, for even greater insight into how your reference service *really* works. Yes, you heard it right – now…

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Please Join Us for a Demo of LibAnswers

We have scheduled several online demos for Thursday and Friday of this week to introduce people to our exciting LibAnswers system.  What is LibAnswers you ask?  Well – LibAnswers is a web-based question-and-answer system and FAQ builder for libraries.  It enables patrons to search the knowledge base and ask questions…

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New LibAnswers Report Helps with Reference Staffing

We have added another statistics report to the already sizable Reference Analytics module functionality – the “Daily/Hourly Question Distribution” table. The report is available from the “Reference Statistics” and “Reports Wizard” screens in the Reference Analytics Tab. The report shows the number of questions asked each hour, for all Mondays, all…

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1500+ Questions Answered via LibAnswers Already

We were going to celebrate the 1000-th question answered via LibAnswers, but before we could say “cheese”, we realized this number already stands at 1547. Wow! Given that the system was released only recently, this speaks volumes about how popular and useful the system is going to be, and how easy…

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Introducing LibAnswers Analytics (Beta)

Since we introduced LibAnswers at the Chicago ALA, pretty much everybody who has seen the system has been blown away (in a good way 😉 ).  LibAnswers is the new, web 2.0 approach to online reference. Patrons can ask questions using natural language and the system will automatically suggest answers, the…

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New QuerySpy Statistics Reports in LibAnswers

The QuerySpy feature is probably the unsung hero of the LibAnswers system. It enables you to see the question/query activity in your system, i.e. what people  are typing and searching for, in real time. Seeing the QuerySpy in action reveals its amazing benefit. Many clients tell us the QuerySpy feature itself is worth…

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New Statistics Reports in LibAnswers

We have retooled our LibAnswers statistics pages which now include a new layout and beautiful, interactive flash-based charts. We also added a few new reports which provide even better insight into how and when your LibAnswers system is being used. Here are all the new features/reports: General System Report (accessible via Admin Console…

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New LibAnswers Feature – Recommended Answers

Our new LibAnswers system is generating a lot of great buzz, and we believe for a good reason – it is an innovative reference 2.0 tool with a refreshing new twist on the “ask a librarian” service. Many built-in Social Features, Twitter integration, FAQ knowledge-base builder, the Query Analysis, the…

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