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LibGuides Member Site #500

We are very happy to announce that with the addition of Creekview High School this evening, our LibGuides community has grown to 500 member libraries! Thank you to all the LibGuides users out there for your great feedback and for promoting our community on your blogs, Twitter feeds, poster sessions…

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Wrapping Up A Successful Webinar Series

Last week, Mazen Khoury and Kristiana Burk presented the final session in the ‘user experience’ webinar series. Many innovative ideas were presented during these sessions, and the response from the LibGuides user community has been overwhelmingly positive. We at Springshare would like to thank Kristiana and for all the…

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LibGuides Member Site #400

We are very happy to announce that with the addition of University of Illinois Chicago this afternoon, our LibGuides community has grown to 400 member libraries!  Many of you will remember how excited we were to reach our 100th member library earlier this year, and since then our user base has…

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LibGuides Webinars – Call For Ideas

As many of you know, we are currently conducting a series of “User Experience” webinars in cooperation with the super-cool and very knowledgeable Kristiana Burk of We will record and archive these (as well as all future LibGuides webinars) so that you can watch them offline if unable to participate….

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New LibGuides Features, and Improved Community Site

Thanks to the (awesome) feedback and ideas from our client libraries LibGuides is getting better all the time. The latest round of feedback/ideas resulted in the 4 new features we just released. The new look for the Community Site (, with cleaner interface and the ability to browse guides by Subject. See…

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LibGuides Community Members on a Map

Marc has created a pretty cool Google Maps mashup which shows the locations of all our LibGuides member libraries. Check it out at You can zoom in and out, and clicking on any blue push pins will reveal the institution name as well as their LibGuides URL.   The map…

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New Look of the LibGuides Community Site

Based on the feedback from our users, we have revamped the LibGuides community site. The URL is still the same – so check it out when you have a moment. Besides the cleaner look, we have added a new feature – “Browse Institutions” which enables you to filter and find…

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Beyond Research – LibGuides at DePauw University

Tiffany was nice enough to send us an email this week, showing an innovative way that DePauw University has expanded their LibGuides system beyond subject-based research.  She describes the project focus as follows… “While we value our role in supporting curricular and research needs, academic librarians should also support their students’…

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LibGuides – 150th Member Site!

With the addition of Springfield Technical Community College this morning, the LibGuides membership has grown to 150 sites! Our community has grown by an impressive 60 sites since January, and we are expecting even better things for the remainder of the current school year. LibGuides would not be nearly this…

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Introducing LibGuides Community Features

We are thrilled to introduce a new chapter in the LibGuides (r)evolution – LibGuides community site, at You can also access this site by clicking on the “Community” tab on the LibGuides admin screen. The community site makes it possible to search guides of all our member institutions. Imagine the possibilities…

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