Last month we published a blog post asking folks to take a few minutes to fill out a communication survey - telling us how you want to hear from us, what you like about our current communication, and what you don't like! Plus, if you filled out the survey, you could enter to win a drawing for one of two gift cards!
To that end, we'd like to announce the results of that survey AND congratulate our two winners.
Survey Results - Your Feedback Matters!
Overwhelmingly, you preferred getting Springshare communication right to your inbox. The Monthly SpringyNews Roundup emails were most useful at 30.2% with the Quarterly SpringyNews Full Editions following at a close second with 21.8%. If you aren't signed up for the SpringyNews or our Springy Share Blog updates, you can do so here!
For most important topics, 39.8% of you told us that explaining and highlighting product updates was your most important topic followed by information on upcoming training sessions with 19.9%.
61.8% of you found our communication methods very useful and wouldn't change a thing, but about 10% of you would like less info and some changes. We hear you, we're looking into that!

Winners of the Gift Card Giveaway
Survey respondents could enter to win one of two $25 gift card drawings. If you entered the drawing and have been waiting at the edge of your seat to hear about the winners, the wait is over – we did pick them!
We are all about transparency here at Springshare, so we’d like to congratulate the following winners:
- Renée Barney: E-Resources & Instruction Librarian from Iowa Wesleyan University Library
- Joy Whitfield: Collection & Access Services Librarian from CCU School of Law Library
Enjoy your gift cards, lucky winners!