We wanted to take a moment to highlight two of our newest community members, and the innovative ways they are using LibGuides to provide more than just subject-guides.
Scottsdale Community College has both a “traditional” LibGuides system, as well as a second site which they are using as their library homepage. This allows the librarians to make website updates quickly and easily, without having to contact IT or a Systems Librarian whenever they want to add information to the library website. This is an interesting approach and one we expect to see more frequently as LibGuides matures with greater control of layout, customization, etc.
The Burlington County Library System has an *excellent* example of how LibGuides can be used in a public library environment. Their system contains guides for K-6 research and homework help, cultural information for new U.S. citizens, local real estate information, cooking tips, and much more. We will definitely be pointing other public libraries to the BCLS LibGuides site as an excellent “getting started” reference.