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Springshare @ CIL Conference

Just a reminder that Springshare will be at the Computers in Libraries (CIL) conference next week in Arlington, VA.   If you are attending the conference, please set aside some time to come by booth #214 and say hello.  We will be doing live demos of LibGuides and will have product brochures…

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LibGuides – 150th Member Site!

With the addition of Springfield Technical Community College this morning, the LibGuides membership has grown to 150 sites! Our community has grown by an impressive 60 sites since January, and we are expecting even better things for the remainder of the current school year. LibGuides would not be nearly this…

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Great New Layout for Books

Last week we had a few people ask if we could improve the layout of the book boxes within LibGuides.  The development team really hustled this weekend, and we are happy to announce that the requested changes went live this evening.  While there are some small changes regarding the layout,…

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Introducing LibGuides Community Features

We are thrilled to introduce a new chapter in the LibGuides (r)evolution – LibGuides community site, at You can also access this site by clicking on the “Community” tab on the LibGuides admin screen. The community site makes it possible to search guides of all our member institutions. Imagine the possibilities…

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LibGuides Member Spotlight – SCC and the BCLS

We wanted to take a moment to highlight two of our newest community members, and the innovative ways they are using LibGuides to provide more than just subject-guides. Scottsdale Community College has both a “traditional” LibGuides system, as well as a second site which they are using as their library…

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LibGuides Widgets Statistics

Widgets are the unsung heroes of LibGuides. They are a great way to embed your LibGuides into blogs, course management systems, social networks, etc. We’ve made an enhancement to the statistics package in LibGuides to enable you to track the number of visits to your guides from widgets. In other words, when…

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LibGuides and Course-Specific Research

We recently came across a post from Sara at the world famous Tactless Librarian blog, that presents an interesting use for LibGuides.  Sara has been creating research guides for course-specific instruction sessions held at the library.  These “class shortcut pages” contain all the information presented during the instruction session, including reference tools, polls,…

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Front Page Material!

We are happy to report that LibGuides made the front page of The Butler Collegian last week. The article outlines all the right reasons for the success of LibGuides at Butler, and echoes what we’ve heard from our member libraries world-wide. All of us at Springshare are very proud that…

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One Hundred (and change!)

Springshare is proud to announce that our LibGuides community has reached 101 member libraries – including many of the world’s most innovative academic, public and special libraries!  We are amazed at how rapidly our community is growing, and how LibGuides is quickly becoming a premiere destination for research and study. Thank…

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Adding LibGuides to the iPhone Home Screen

Thanks to a recent software update from Mr. Jobs and the rest of the brilliant minds at Apple, iPhone users are now able to add custom icons to their homescreen.  To add a nice and shiny LibGuides icon to your nice and shiny iPhone, follow these simple steps: 1) Open…

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