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Learning Lab: A Collaborative Approach to LibAnswers Chatbot Integration

If you’re thinking of all the ways, places, and virtual spaces where you can integrate your LibAnswers Chatbot - this upcoming November Learning Lab is for you! UMass Boston’s Lauren Movlai and Eunkyung Lee will discuss how they transformed the user experience at their library by integrating Chatbot inside their Ex Libris Primo discovery layer.

Working collaboratively across their two departments of Library Systems and Discovery Services and Reference Outreach and Instruction, they had a goal of enhancing access to information about their library services and resources through Library FAQs hosted in LibAnswers and providing another point of contact to library users.

Wednesday, November 13
1:30pm - 2:30pm Eastern Time

UMass Boston's innovative collaboration brought together Library Systems and Discovery Services (LSDS) and Reference, Outreach, and Instruction (ROI) departments to leverage the needed technical expertise of implementing Chatbot inside their discovery layer and patron-facing reference knowledge and expertise to make providing and finding information easier than ever.

This 1-hour presentation with Lauren Movlai & Eunkyung Lee (UMass Boston) will cover:

  • The project goals of enhancing access to information inside their Primo discovery layer
  • How UMass Boston Library departments collaborated to accomplish their goals
  • The successes of their Chatbot deployment and areas identified for growth
  • Their implementation timeline, usage data collected, and a live demonstration of a Chatbot Flow
  • Time for Q&A

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