The Springy Share

Post-PLA Recap: Amazing Guest Speakers & More!

By Talia on April 16, 2024

Is PLA actually over?! Our disbelief stems from the fact that we're still buzzing from the event and feeling like the conference vibrancy and vivacity are still with us! Alas, if only! We had such a great time at this year's PLA conference in Columbus, OH - overeating (just a smidge) from Bare Burger across the street (I mean, those fries, right?), chatting with so many of you at our booth, and hearing about how you are using Springshare Tools to meet the needs of your patrons.

From guest speakers presenting at our booth (recordings linked below) to sessions mentioning Springy tools... we learned so much from all of you.

And for those of you who were #PLALeftBehind - have no fear, we're bringing some of what we learned back to you.

Guest Speaker Presentations - Recordings Available

View high-quality recordings of guest speaker presentations and download their slides and resources!

Calendars, Patron Point, and the API…oh My!

Meeting rooms, study rooms, passports, notaries, tech appointments, live programs, Zoom programs, a bookmobile, and a tech van. Madison Public Library has a lot to manage and keep track of, and where's the one place that everything's listed? LibCal! How can you show all this in an easy and friendly way to your staff and patrons? The LibCal API. Now, how can you use all of this data to promote your services and programs? With Patron Point. Hear one library's story of how using LibCal and Patron Point increases productivity, decreases headaches, and delivers patrons the information they want!

Using Springshare Tools for Strategic Decision Making 

From collecting and analyzing stats in LibInsight to using LibCal tags to track programs for strategic planning, the Cleveland Public Library uses Springshare tools in a variety of ways. Nancy Mocsiran from the CPL's Strategy Office and Robin Wood, CPL's Sr. Director of Public Services will share their strategies for using stats collection, metadata, and other functionality to make planning and reporting a breeze!

Springshare was the Answer for Us!

The Marion County Public Library System in Fairmont, WV uses numerous Springshare products on a daily basis, and they've been using them for years. LibCal, LibStaffer, and LibAnswers functionality allows their staff to easily communicate with the public and internally between staff members.

Upcoming Guest Speaker

Technical difficulties are inevitable, and they came for us during PLA 2024. We could not get the Facebook Live streaming to work for one of our guest speakers, Cathay Keough from Sarasota County Libraries.

To that end, Cathay has graciously agreed to join us AGAIN for a special guest speaker webinar! Check out the details and register below.

Enhancing Library Access - Using Video Chat for Library Card Registration

Date: Wed, May 22
Time: 1pm - 1:30pm US ET
Register to attend live or get access to the recording

Learn how Sarasota County Libraries use LibAnswers' Microsoft Teams and Zoom integrations to facilitate seamless screen-sharing with patrons. Taking innovation to the next level, they've introduced a groundbreaking feature: allowing patrons to present their ID via Ask Us/LibChat for immediate issuance of a library card. This transformative approach revolutionizes library access, offering new patrons an additional convenient avenue to connect with them.

Where Can You Find Springshare Next?

Texas Library Association Annual Conference

  • Dates: April 16 - 19
  • Booth # 1733

Ex Libris Users of North America Annual Conference

  • Dates: May 14 - 17

Florida Library Association Annual Conference

  • Dates: May 15 - 16
  • Booth #513

Rhode Island Library Association Annual Conference

  • Dates: May 22-23

New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference

  • Dates: May 29 - 31

Keep an eye on our conference calendar for all upcoming appearances and presentations!