The Springy Share

Celebrating YOU for National Library Week

By Corinne on April 24, 2023

National Library Week calls for parades! Fireworks! Dancing in the streets! But in lieu of an all-out bash, we're celebrating library workers by revisiting some of our favorite stories and presentations from over the years. Let us share your story! Take a minute to tell us what makes your library special.

Ain't No Party Like a LibGuides Party

Ah, the joys of checking for broken links and unpublishing old guides! Oh, does this sort of maintenance sound tedious to you? Might we suggest... a party?! These UNC-Charlotte librarians told us all about their annual tradition of throwing a LibGuides Party to have some fun while cleaning up their LibGuides! 

To watch, sign in using your LibApps account.

Creating a Unified Library Experience... For Everyone

Here's a throwback to 2017! Ben Ridout, then Digital Services Manager at the Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, spoke with us about using Springshare tools to create a cohesive experience for patrons and staff at all 18 library branches. From LibCal events calendars to a staff intranet built with LibGuides CMS to monthly data collection in LibInsight, the ABQ-BERNCO Library is set up for success.

LibGuides That Make an Impact for All

In the summer of 2020, we jumped at the chance to interview Stacy Collins, then Research and Instruction Librarian at Simmons University and future 2021 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, about the impact of the Anti-Oppression LibGuide.

New Program Possibilities with LibWizard Tutorials

Kayla Harris and Jason Wardell from the University of Dayton explored the programming power of LibWizard Tutorials for hybrid events! From student-generated memes to self-guided tours of local historical sites, LibWizard helped these two librarians engage with their students in new and meaningful ways.  

Sign in with your LibApps account to see the recording and LibWizard examples!

One Community College's Cool Implementation of LibCal Maps

"Wayfinding on campus leaves something to be desired," said librarian Amy Lippo. To help lost students get where they needed to be, Amy worked with the Springshare Consulting team. Now, the Northeast State Community College Library is set up with LibCal interactive maps so visitors can easily find staff offices and book study spaces. 

We're keeping the #NationalLibraryWeek kudos going on our social media! Follow Springshare on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where we'll be highlighting guides from the LibGuides community all week long.

Here at Springshare, we're amazed that we get to work with such dedicated and talented librarians. Thank you for all you do!