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A Short #MyLibLifeReality Follow-Up

Last month we asked librarians and library workers to share their #MyLibLifeReality moments with us, knowing it was a bit of a long shot even though we loved the idea. 

Watch Springy Will’s #MyLibLifeReality video

Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed the absence of videos in our March newsletter. And, well, you can probably guess where this is going — sometimes things don’t pan out as you hope!

Every programming and outreach librarian can relate to how we’re feeling right now. But while we didn’t get many responses, we’re always ones to put a positive spin on things. So we wanted to post two three highlights/bits of good news:

  1. We received a great video from Springy Will, who shared a game he played with fellow coworkers before coming on board with us. Springys for the win!
  2. Because we believe in the important work Black Girls CODE is doing, we still made a $250 donation – the maximum amount we proposed for #MyLibLifeReality submissions.
  3. (3/24 update) Oscar R. Lanza-Galindo matched our donation! A big thanks to you, Oscar, for expanding the impact of our project.

You can watch Springy Will’s video on YouTube, and we hope it brings a little smile to your face! And if you’re looking to support the future of women of color in STEM fields, you can also donate to Black Girls CODE from their website.

We hope you all have a great week! And, as always, we are here for you if you have any questions.

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