Smart Technology You Can Take With You…
To Help Take Other Things
We’re holding nothing back with our latest contribution to the Library world and we’re happy to announce our newest tool, LibTote – The Smart Tote for Librarians. It’s chock-a-block full of the features you’ve come to expect from the makers of LibGuides and it comes with our signature free training and free support. Let’s get to the bottom of this bag of chips.
The Why
As big listeners with a fervent desire to keep up with the public’s needs, the development team began work on LibTote because of what they know in their bones. There are two kinds of Librarians in this world… and they both love Tote bags. In a time where compromise and self-restraint are for the ambidextrous, Springy techs decided to take on the Herculean task of solving this community’s age-old problem, How can I keep collecting, while managing my tote bags? And, beyond that, how do I optimize my tote use?
Questions led to coffee and coffee led to bathroom breaks and the lonely walk back to the drawing board led to innovation. So, dear librarians, you won’t have to think twice about whether you need another tote bag like you need another hole in the head. You won’t have to choose the slinky with the company logo or the sad, tiny tootsie roll from the faceted crystal dish. No, not on Springshare’s watch. You get that tote bag and you put it in your LibTote!
The What
What’s the best thing about you? You have more tote bags than anyone you know. What’s your biggest fear? That there’s one more out there… and it’s great! Fear is for fanny packs. LibTote takes your fear and turns it into lemonade.
- Smart Expansion – Too big? Too small? LibTote says, too-dles to that kind of thinking.
- Socially Conscious – A Smart Tote ought to have a Sweet Heart.
- Blue’tote Functionality – It has to be wireless and hands-free. LibTote is a shoulders game.
- Tote-exa Customizable Voice Commands – Doubles as a vocal warm-up for your presentation.
- All the Stats Your Tote Can Hold – Numbers, like the hips totes rest against, don’t lie.
The How Do I Get One
To learn the details about LibTote, see the Platinum edition with the patented Cat’abiner and Conference Mode, read client testimonials, and check out upcoming training sessions, visit LibTote website.
For more information, details on how to order, and client testimonials:
If you’re already a proud LibTote user, tweet us your #LibTote pictures and tag us @Springshare.
Please, please integrate this product with LibChat so we can answer reference questions by shouting into our LibTote.
The best part about LibTote? It pairs well with your LibCat, quickly becoming the go to place for a warm, safe nap.